[Tuesday - Before Sunrise]

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The two boys stood at the shore of the lake where a nearby pier provided enough light. It was around 5am and they were freezing, their jackets so hastily put on they didn't stand a chance against the cold that surrounded Kenot Lake every night.

"And you want to go in?" said Basil, the taller of the two. "In the water? Now?"

"Yes! Why do you think I asked you to bring your swim trunks?"

He watched his friend, Sean, remain pink in the cold, too indignant for the weather to stop him. "What do you expect to find?" he asked of him. "The fire left no evidence."

"How do you think he set the fire, threw on the gasoline with his hands?" The shorter—and braver—of the two began removing his clothes. "He had some kind of container, those red ones, maybe. He could've sunk it in the lake."

Basil looked to the charred remains of a trailer he used to visit, the furthest one in the trailer park. "I don't know, man." He hugged himself as he felt colder watching his friend undress. "Why not just call it in, like an anonymous tip?"

"The police don't listen to kids."

"Then go to someone else."

"Like who?"

Basil picked up his Sean's jacket and shoved it at his chest with a sigh. "Put your clothes back on. We'll go meet her right now. She's probably awake."

"A girl?"

Basil nodded.

Sean dressed quickly.


As Basil Azure suspected, her window was the only lit one in the building. It was a quiet neighborhood made of people who kept to themselves. No one grew too suspicious of each other, so she lived relatively undisturbed.

"Are you sure we're not going to get murdered?" Sean Lafferty lost most of his bravery through the tight halls of the building. "It's too quiet here."

"Because everyone's asleep." She lived in 109C, the last door in the hall.

Sean stuck close once Basil knocked, the loudest sound this time of night. "And she can help us?"

"Yeah. She's almost like the police."

"What do mean like—?"

The door flew open. A plain-looking brunette eyed both of the boys before looking to Basil and sighing. "Again?"

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