Chapter 1: Sneaking Out....

Start from the beginning

He didn't mind I was late at all, my father was the sweetest guy in the world. Only if he knew what my mother did.

I quickly sat down averting my eyes from everyone and put a napkin in my lap.

"Lilyanne lift your head and say hello to our guest," my mother scolded.

I looked up to meet a guy with dark brown eyes, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well" he replied.

"Lilyanne, you are not aware of this yet but Romero and his family will be staying with us for a year. Their castle in our neighboring kingdom caught on fire and they need to rebuild. His wife, son, and daughter will be staying with him in the empty west wing."

I nodded my head. The wings only consisted of connected bedrooms. We have an east, west, and north wing. The kitchen, dining room, music room, ballroom, and other rooms will be shared with Romero's family. I was just glad that I didn't have to see them too often.

"Welcome to our kingdom Romero, what is your last name if you don't mind me asking, so I can recall which kingdom?" I asked.

"My last name is Calliwell, from the Isoten kingdom."

I nodded, "Well it will be wonderful to have you here."

We continued our meal and it was quite interesting learning about their kingdom. It was small but very similar to our ways. They have tons of different holidays that celebrate the different people that brought their kingdom together and Christmas is their largest celebrated holiday.

"Goodnight everyone!" I called out while leaving the dining room.

"Goodnight Lilyanne, we will see you tomorrow!" Romero yelled.

I was walked back to my room slowly as the thought of having another family stay with us filled my head. Would mother lessen the beatings since others would most likely catch her? She probably would since Romero's kids would also be here roaming the halls. I was actually really excited to meet them, if I remembered correctly he said they were around ten years old.

When I reached my door I shook my thoughts away, hoping that everything would turn out okay.

As I entered my room a dirty blonde-haired boy with green eyes was sitting in a chair directly facing me.

Not fazed by it, I closed the door and walked to my bed.

"I thought you didn't like those dinners?" He questioned.

"You know I don't, but it's not like I can just get up and leave... my mother would hurt me ten times more. This dinner was interesting, to say the least," I shrugged.

Dax Winthrope was my best friend and one of the only friends I really ever had. We had been best friends ever since we were seven years old. He was a servant around the castle that only tended to the garden and flowers. His parents weren't around to care for him so his life was here.

"Hey now... I was just asking chill. Although I do have good news! I found a way to get you out of the castle tonight! There is a party in the village and it's at a brewer's house, wanna go?"

"I'm in" I agreed.

"Well that was easy" he chuckled a little to himself.

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