Chapter 2 - Stranger Danger

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    When I woke I found myself in the nurses office at school. I walked out into the office and asked the secretary, Mrs. Rose, "Can I go to class?"

    "Well it's the last class of the day, TAG, and there are 10 minutes left. If you are feelling well enough you can go back to class. Are you feeling good enough to go back? I was told you took a good fall." She replied in a nice voice.

    Going to class is better than sitting in a closet thinking of the fire. I sighed and said, "I feel completely fine, just a bit shaken up from the news."

    "Alrighty then, I'll write a slip for you and you can be on your way." She said that while writing on a pink piece of paper. She handed it to me with a sad smile and said, "I'm sorry for your loss."

    I didn't know what to say to that. I gently took the paper, while looking at the floor. I turned around and was heading for the door when I saw a guy sitting in a waiting chair. I had deathly white skin and had absolutely no flaws just perfectness. He had light brown hair and the weirdest eyes, they were a dark red. I thought I was seeing things because only albinos had red eyes. Right? You could tell he had muscle and that he knew it by the way his clothes looked like they were about to break and his cocky posture. He smiled at me, a secretive smile the didn't look nice. One that said 'I'm trying to be sweet when really you are my next victim and I am your worst nightmare'. To say I was creeped and slightly shaky was an understatement. When I put my hand on the handle of the door Mrs. Rose called out, "Oh and Nevaeh, the policeman, Ethan, gave me this and told me to give it to you." She handed me a small folded up piece of paper.

    I thanked her then opened the door and shut it gently behind me. I started walking slowly to my class while I opened up the paper with shaky hands.


    I am sorry for your loss. I know it had just happened but it will be on the news at 5 tonight. We tried to give them as little information as we could but those reporters were sure sneaky. But you might want to prepare for all the questions and pitying stares that are about to head your way.

    A little bit after you passed out I got the call that we know how the fire started.It was not an accident. The fire was on purpose and it wasn't one of the family members that started it. The fire was so professional that we thought it was just electrical but they took a closer look and found out someone had rigged the electrical wiring throughout the house. Making the fire spread faster and little to no survivors. We are trying to find out who did it. I honestly don't think we will but we think that the person or people that did this might come after you. We don't have enough evidence saying it will happen but we will be keeping an eye on your house. Not for a couple of months, just for a couple of days since the chief doesn't think there is a possibility this person would want something to do with a 16 year old. But I however think he is very wrong.

    Please do not tell your mom about this, I do not want to worry her. She has enough on her plate. Be careful Nevaeh.


    When I got done reading the letter I was shaking and sweating with nerves. I was so afraid and upset I just didn't know what I could do. I haden't realized that I had stopped moving till I saw I was barely 20 feet from the door. I heard a noise behind me so I cautiously looked over my shoulder to find the same guy I had seen earlier come out of the office door. But outside of the office were two guys. Each of them very different and I knew they were not human. Both of them had bulging muscles. The one on the left had dark brown hair with brown eyes and he kept moving, either his arm or foot of something of his was moving at all times. Nothing would stay still he couldn't stay still. He looked like he wanted to go fetch a freshly thrown ball but was told not to, just like a dog. The guy next to him was a good half foot taller than him. The guy on the right had pitch black hair with pitch black eyes as well. He was so tall, if he walked through the door of the school, which he probably did, he would have to slouch and it was a pretty tall door too. But he didn't look as playful, in a way Doggie looked like he was about to attack someone, he looked like he could eat everyone in this school and he looked so mad he was red. I was waiting for the steam to come out of his ears. Yeah, I think I will stay away from him since he looks like Satan though. The pale one from earlier muttered something to them. I had no clue what it was but after he said what he had all of them looked at me with a hidden message in their eyes. I was scared beyond belief at this point. I did not want to find out what their eyes were saying. So I turned quickly turned around and started walking. I ended up taking half a step before quickly looking back at the pale guy. He winked at me ever so secretively and menacingly.

    After that I thought I was going to explode from all the fear coursing through me. I thought back to the note and then thought if I ever see them again danger would be near. With that note I quickly spun around and practically ran around the corner to the hallway with my locker. Right when I got there the bell had rung. I was shocked that, that little had happened in 10 minutes. There might have been little things happening but it was so much to take in and caused so many emotions to go through me.

    I flew in the combination, put on my jacket and threw the slip from the office at the bottom of my locker. I met up with my boyfriend, Lee, whose locker was at about the same place I had stood earlier. I shivered from the young memory, I never want to see those strangers again. After I though that I focused on Lee. He was 5' 11" or 6', dark blonde/brown hair. He was skinny but no too skinny, he also had some muscle but no where near as much as the strangers from earlier. He was already ready and waiting for me so we can walk to the bus together. We held hands and headed for the door. As soon as we stepped a foot outside a blast of snow hit us and I wanted to hit myself for not zipping my jacket. Considering we were in Shelby, Michigan and it's winter you think I would have remembered to do that. After I zipped my coat up I went looked up, oh how I wish I hadn't. My eyes immediately connected with Satan's. By the look that I was in them I knew they did something. He was smiling like a kid is waiting for his mom to open up a gift he made her. His smile was nice, without the creepy message with it. The nerves from Mr. Huttons room came back like a punch in the gut to where I bent over again. Lee, the actual caring boyfriend he is almost carried me to the bus cause he thought something was wrong. I kept telling him no, I hate lying to him but I had a bad feeling that if I told him he wouldn't be here anymore. We walked in a comfortable silence on the bus and once we got on and sat in our seat, last seat on the left, I put in my music and  thought of anything other than today.

    When we got off the bus there was no ride for me, which was strange cause my mom always picks me up on Mondays. I just shook it off and told myself it was nothing. Lee ended up going to his house and I walked home. The whole time I was walking I had my headphones in listening to music on my phone but I kept getting a feeling that I was being watched. All the times I looked around I only saw trees, snow and houses. There wasn't even that many shadows out. I quickened my pase a bit and got home with in an hour of freezing my butt off. I was rounding the corner to the house, when I saw the door. It was wide open with bloody hand prints on it. Then nerves that never left me but only calmed on the way here were back fiercer than ever. I walked closer to the door and found puddles of blood going through the house.

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