Kenma Kozume | PSP

Start from the beginning


She couldn't look. (y/n) quickly covered her face in her hands as she felt tears well up in her eyes. It all happened so fast. All she felt was Kenma shoving her forward before she heard the sound of the car speed by. How could someone like her be so engrossed in a game to even notice something coming at them so fast? If Kenma hadn't looked up in time, she could be..

A quiet groan of pain was heard in front of her and (y/n) quickly uncovered her teary eyes. Through the salty tears, she saw a body laying in front of her. (y/n) recognized the red Nekoma jacket

"Kenma," She choked out as she crawled to him. His blond and black hair was splayed out, covering half his face as he lay on the road. (y/n) let out another sob as she put a shaking hand on the setter's shoulder. She moved him so he was on his back and she pulled his hair out of his face.

There was a small stream of blood coming from a gash somewhere on his head. The crimson liquid trickled down his forehead and over his upper lip. But the first thing the teenage girl noticed was that Kenma's face was scrunched up in pain. (Y/n) immediately pulled him closer so his head rested on her lap. She felt more sobs coming up.

He's alive

He's not dead

Thank god he's alive

Kenma lets out a groan before opening his eyes. He sees (y/n) crying above him, her tears threatening to fall onto his face. He feels a sudden pang in his heart, "Hey," This catches her attention and she looks down at him in surprise, "Why are you crying?"

This makes (y/n) cry even more. She's so shocked and terrified over what just happened that her emotions were all over the place. She wanted to smile because Kenma was still breathing. She wanted to hiss in pain because of the cuts on her arms and legs that were starting to sting. She wanted to cry over the fact she almost lost someone very important to her.

"I-I thought I lost you..." She says between hiccups. She pulled Kenma closer to her, lightly stroking his hair. Kenma was surprised by her reaction at first but soon held the shaking girl in his arms. Shyly, he pressed his lips on top of her head while cooing to her in attempts to calm the second year down. Honestly, the poor setter didn't know what to do in this sort of situation, so he just did what he saw in a sappy romance movie once.

Once she stopped crying, (y/n) spoke, "But that cracking noise... I thought it was..."

They both looked at the road to see the shattered glass and plastic of what was once Kenma's PSP. Both were silent, almost as if they were secretly mourning for the lost device. One of them broke the silence,

"Kenma... I'm really sorry... I-"

"Better it than you..."

(y/n) turned her gaze to the pudding haired male with a surprised look on her face. Of course she knew that her life was more valuable than a game, but she never expected words like that to leave Kenma's lips. All the girl could do was smile brightly before pulling him into another hug,

"I'm glad your ok, too..."

With that, both of the second years stood up and paced over to the sidewalk hand in hand. Once they reached the sidewalk, a storekeeper stepped from his shop looking worried. He held up a phone, "I saw what happened so I called the police! Are you kids alright? Are you hurt?"

You gave the shopkeeper a reassuring smile, "I think we are fine! My partner just needs something to clean his wound, but since you called the police he can get medical help when they arrive," You turn to Kenma and ask, "Are you feeling alright to wait a bit?"

Still taken aback by the use of the word "partner" coming out your mouth, Kenma just stayed quiet for a minute before replying, "Yeah I'll be ok till then."

The shopkeeper let you two inside so you both could sit down and so Kenma could stop the bleeding from his head. You insisted he did so. So what ended up happening was you sat in front of the setter holding a cloth to his head, applying only enough pressure to stop the blood flow and not enough to cause any pain. The two of you sat in silence as you held the cloth to his head.

You noticed Kenma trying to find anything to look at but you. It may have seemed awkward from someone Else's point of view, but you found it kinda cute how his cat-like eyes shifted around the room, avoiding your (e/c) orbs. You slightly smiled at him, "Are you feeling ok, Kozume?"

He nods, "Yeah," Kenma glances at you only to return the question, "How about you?"

You let out a little laugh, "I'm fine. My cuts sting a little though, but nothing I can't handle"

Kenma's gaze drops and he shifts around a bit. His voice comes out barely audible, but you catch it as soon as it leaves his mouth, "Sorry for pushing you so hard... I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing that came to mind.."

"Don't be silly Kenma!"

You flash him a big smile, making him look back at you, "You saved me back there! I honestly can't thank you enough"

Your smile then turned into a concerned look, "But what do you mean it was the only thing that came to mind? Shouldn't you have been worrying getting yourself out of the road first?"

Kenma stayed silent. You were honestly surprised that the setter would attempt to save you before himself. You were curious for the answer he wasn't giving.

"Because the first thing I needed to do was get you safety"

Your mouth hung open slightly. Silence hung in the air as you pressed the cloth against his head. You both stared in each other's eyes. Kenma didn't know what to do, so he awkwardly stayed in his place, looking into your wide (e/c) orbs. He tried to think of what to do at this moment.

Is she upset with me? Are her cuts still hurting? Does she want me to speak? What am I supposed to say? What do I-

His thoughts were cut off when he felt you throw your arms around him. Dropping the cloth onto the floor, you wrapped yourself around the setter and hugged his frozen form. Kenma didn't move.

A few seconds later, he got used to this and hesitantly hugged you back. You both rested your heads on the other's shoulder, breathing in each other's scent. Kenma silently let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Completely forgetting about your stinging injuries, you squeezed Kenma harder,

"Thank you..."

<> <> <> <> <> <>

Yeah I had this idea but I didn't know how to end it so.... HERE YA GO

Sorry if this one sucked I'm not feeling too creative right now so at least I tried. I hope it was still readable....

Crap... I don't know how to end this either.... *shrugs and awkwardly finger guns out of the room*

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