Dirk x Reader

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((This is a heterochromia soulmate AU oneshot and i was gonna put that in the title but it's really long! Lol. Anyway, the decription of said AU is in the pic above and i just think it's so cute. Plus, hey, I finally wrote about a human! Yay miracles!!!(Dirk is my baby ;;;;P) Hope you guys like it!!!))

~Reader's POV~ ((you're 22))
You placed your hands on the edge of your bathroom sink, your head hanging tiredly. You looked up at the large mirror, staring into your mismatched eyes. Your right was a light, almost frost colored blue while your left wasn't even yours and was a strange light orange color, similar to that of....well, an orange. Maybe a dark sunset?

You hated that eye. You hated that constant reminder of the fact that you were alone. Why couldn't you just have your own eyes back and live a normal, single life?

You sighed and turned on the faucet, splashing your face with cold water to try and wake yourself up. You were so done with life right now.

Feeling lazy, you just put on eyeliner before getting dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirt, clothes that wouldn't distract from your colorful apron.

You slowly walked down the carpeted stairs, grabbed an apple out of the fridge, and got in your small, yellow bug. You pulled out of your driveway, praying your AC would hurry up and cool down your car cause this Texas heat was killing you.

Soon you were pulling onto the road and on your way to work. Within ten minutes you were pulling into the back lot of a (fastfood place) and walking through the 'employees only' door. You signed in for your shift and tied on your red and yellow apron before heading for the front counter.

"Wow, (Y/n), no good mornin' or anything?" a familiar voice asked humorously. You smiled for the first time today and turned around to face your blonde headed best friend.

"Hey, Dork," you said teasingly. He put his hand to his chest in mock offense. "I am triggered, (y/n)," he said in his Texan accent. You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Sure you are, Dirk," you said sarcastically. He smiled and opened his arms wide in invintation. You smiled and jumped into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you off the ground.

"Ooph, jeez girl, you might need to lose some weight," he said teasingly, looking down at you with shaded eyes. You placed your feet back on the ground and slapped his arm playfully. "Hey!" he snapped, feigning pain.

"Get to work you two!!" your manager snapped in anoyance from somewhere on the other side of the kitchen. You smiled at each other and you stuck your tongue out at him as you walked to the front counter, him flicking you off in return.

You went to work with a smile and continued to deal with obese idiots for the next 5 hours.

You took off your apron and hung it on the coat rack as you grabbed your black leather purse before opening the back door to leave. You walked across the lot, the open sky slightly darkening as the day waned.

"(Y/n)!" you heard Dirk call behind you. You turned around and smiled. "What's up, dork?" you called tauntingly. He smiled as he jogged to catch up to you. "So, my bitch," he said as he slung his arm over your shoulders, "you wanna come over to my place later?"

"Later as in...." you questioned him. "The next half hour," he answered bluntly. You laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Alright sure, I'll be over there as soon as I can," you surrendered. "Sweet, see ya then!" he said as he walked off to his truck. You smiled and shook your head as you walked over to your tiny bug.

You knocked loudly on Dirk's door. "Dirk!! It's me!!!" you called through the door. Within moments the black front door opened to reveal the dashing Strider leaning against the doorway.

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