Kurloz x Reader

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((Requested by angel99kiss08. So I kinda messed up this request. Sorry!! Hope you like it!!!))
~Kurloz's POV~
You were on your way to your friend, (y/n)'s, hive. You hadn't seen her in days and she wasn't responding to any of your messages. You understood why she would have hidden away for a day or two but now you were starting to worry.

A few days ago she had a major run in with some bullies and they had even beaten her. You found her after they left and tried to help her home, but she insisted on going herself. Then, when you went to her house/hive the next day all the doors were locked and she had refused to let you in. You had finally relented, not wanting to be rude and intrude by knocking down her door to see if she was ok. That had been nearly a week ago and as you said before, you were starting to seriously worry.

Finally you made it to her hive and gently knocked on the door. No response. You would have called to her had you not sewn your mouth shut. You knocked again, harder. Still nothing. Maybe she wasn't home. You pressed your ear to the door to see if you could hear anything.

You waited and listened, straining to hear the smallest sound that would hint at her presence. Suddenly you did hear something. You listened closer. Sniffling. You heard sniffling and crying, only faintly, but you heard it.

Suddenly you remembered. She had told you where she had hidden her spare key. Idiot. You easily reached up to the top of the door frame and grabbed the spare key. You were one of the few people who could reach it. Every time (y/n) locked herself out she had to use her outdoor chair to reach it. You smiled at the memory of one time when you were with her and she had locked you both out when you had gone for a walk. She had refused to let you help her and it was hilarious watching her strain to reach it, standing on her tiptoes on the chair and reaching her arm up as high as she could reach. She was always so stubborn, even now.

You unlocked the door and slowly stepped into the dimly lit house. Again, you would have called to her and announced your presence had you not sewn your mouth shut. You paused and listened for the crying again. It was coming from upstairs.

You carefully made your way up the stairs. When you reached the top you paused again and listened for the sniffling. You slowly walked around, following the distressed sound. Your hunt finally ended when you were standing in front of her bathroom door.

You hesitantly opened the door halfway so you could see into the bathroom. What you saw shocked you.

There was a bloodied razor in the sink with blood splattered around it and on the counter, some even dripping on the floor. That wasn't what had your attention though. (Y/n) was sitting on the toilet seat with her hands covering her face as she sobbed and her crimson life force dripped down her arms.

Instantly you were kneeling in front of her, pulling her hands away from her face. The moment she felt your cold hands on her skin she gasped and looked up at you wide-eyed.

"K-kurloz? What are you doing here?" she asked nervously, trying to pull her arms out of your grasp. You didn't let go. She tried to squirm away from you. "Kurloz just go away! You shouldn't be here," she cried. You growled, making her squeak and stare at you in fear.

You stared at her intensely and slowly removed your hands. Why?, you signed with your hands. She just stared at you for a moment, noticeably trembling as new tears silently poured down her face. A few smears of blood were on her face from her cut arms. She looked utterly broken down.

"I d-don't know," she choked out, her small body shaking from the slowly building sobs. You opened your arms and instantly she was curled into your chest, sobbing hysterically. You gently wrapped your arms around her shaking form, keeping her close until she calmed down a bit.

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