Chapter 34 Power Of Love

Start from the beginning

There's lot more in my life that I cannot share with him. I dare not.

But he seems to be purposely shutting his eyes and ears and enacting oblivion about it. He fights with the players of his team and makes sure that the rumors reach me. He walks around the campus with his unshaven facet making me wonder if it is illegal to still look so handsome in the bearded appearance or I am crazy about him to an extent that he might coax himself in the sewage and still appear to be the hottest male in the universe.

But it would effect me the least. I wouldn't let it affect me.

I would ignore even if I no longer see those devil monsters on my punching bag rather see the torn and sad face of David. I would ignore if he forges his fitness and simply watches me fight with Rob everyday.

Rob has been training me with new and innovative fight sequences each day sometimes he ties both my hands behind my back or sometimes he simply blind folds me. Today he tied my feet and made me fight with him attacking me with a knife.

I couldn't focus like everyday when I knew two eyes were focused on me. I feel them on my back. He slow walks on the tread mill looking at me all the time, hurt evident from his face. I requested the coach to deny his entry to the gym but didn't help. He was far too influenced for the coach to restrict his entry.

I cannot decipher if I was glad or upset about the thing.

Normally when he'd see me losing, he'd walk away but today he chose the other way staring at me straight into my eyes making me lose as he uttered those three words for me which I couldn't hear but yes I knew he uttered and I felt a chill run down my spine, my heart skipped a beat moistening my sensitives.

All I wanted to do want run to him, hug him tight and kiss him hard enough to blow his mind but I am not naive I am a matured girl of 24 who knows how to be practical and not fall prey for love, true love...


No this couldn't happen!" I shout at myself as I read the latest news of the city.

'Ace basketball player denies his selection to Olympics' went the headlines with David's bearded picture on the left corner.

I could be hard headed but I wasn't heartless.

Ferocious barking of Spike, screeching of my hummer and siren of the cops didn't matter as I had something much more important in mind.

I rush past bumping between a boy and mother heading towards their bus stop without a word of apology, tripping and even jumping two steps at a time I climbed the stairs to reach his apartment in a breath.

I did not have the patience to ring the bell I simply pushed open the door which was hardly clutched so it opened easily making me tumble on the floor.

I stood slowly to be welcomed by the same neat and clean room like usual and on one corner he sat working with the flowers of the day and a card I suppose which he was working on himself sitting with lots of stickers and glitters few of them sticking on his beard reminding me of the Santa during Christmas.

He stood straight looking at me, maybe wondering if I was actually there or he was assuming or daydreaming.

I gulped the huge lump in my throat, this boy tends to make me speechless.

I came here to shout at him, yell at him, throw some senses on his curly mane protected head that he is giving up his chance to follow his dream instead I want to smile, cry, laugh sob, hug him, yes I want to hug him...

He steps towards me pushing aside the lock of my hair behind my ears.

Silly he and his phobia, he wants me to look beautiful where in he is all screwed up rather cute with glitter all over his beard, lashes and his lips too like a lipstick adorning his soft lips.

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