"To be honest, I don't even know how I did that myself," I tell her truthfully, sitting upright on my bed. "All I did was think of her turning back, then it just happened" I explained to my best ability.

"I see" she nods. I could tell ally was worried about me.

"Look, all I know is after that night I've been acting different"

"Different how?" She carefully asked.

"Like, ok I can hear things that I shouldn't be able to hear, like just last night I overheard my mom and dad talking-"

"Ok, so?"

"They were all the way downstairs.. in the living room.. whispering about how my grandma is in the hospital because she had a heart attack," I tell her, before Ally could ask me how she is, I beat her to it. "Don't worry, she's fine" I tell her. "But crazy how I heard that, right?" She nods.

"Just a bit, but I'm sure there's some logical explanation for it"

"Ok, then tell me how come I can lift things that are three times my weight?" I questioned, getting off my bed, walking towards my wooden bookshelf, picking it up, that was packed with books.

"The heck" she gasped, with a shocked expression. "H-how... W-what... huh?"

"I can do things that normal people shouldn't even be capable of doing" putting the bookshelf back down I went to sit back next to ally. "I can see things miles ahead, my smelling is like a bloodhound. I can hear what people are saying or even hear their heart beating in their chest" I explained to her, getting a bit jittery.

"You need to go talk to someone about this, Mila" grabbing my arm, ally dragged me out of my room, heading downstairs where my parents were at. "Maybe your parents can help"

Remembering what Lauren said about not telling anyone else right now, I snatched my arm away from her hand, running into the closest room by us, which was my dad's office.

"Camila, what are you are doing? We need to go tell your parents" Ally says to me.

"No, we can't"

"What, are you serious? Camila why not?"

"Because Lauren said it's safer if I don't tell anyone else" I explained to her.

"Why does it matter what Lauren says!?" She exclaimed. "She's not the boss of you"

"Very true, but I don't want to disappoint her" Which for some odd reason is very true. I mean, I can live with disappointing others, but when it's Lauren I can't seem to do it. It's like disappointing her is a no, no. "Look, ally I'm not telling my mom, my dad or anybody, ok?"

"Fine," she says after a few minutes. "But-" she was cut off by a raspy voice.

"Camila, can I speak to you for a moment, like as in now?" Lauren requested. Looking away from ally stood in the doorway was Lauren, Dinah, and Normani. Seriously though how does she know where I live. As if reading my mind Lauren answered me. "As I said before I'm drawn to it"

"What does-"

"Questions later, but right now I need you" dragging me away from ally, leaving her alone with Dinah and Normani again. Lauren took me upstairs to my room, closing the door behind us.

"Camila, since that night in the woods, have you been feeling a bit different lately?" She slowly asked looking at me with those sexy gorgeous, yet intimidating green eyes of hers.

"Mhm define differently?" I asked slowly, sitting in my bay window.

"I'm able to do things nobody else should, hear and see from afar, have crazy super strength all of a sudden?" She questioned, coming closer to me, taking a seat next to me.

"Well, then yea," I tell her, looking out the window, up at the sky, seeing the moon. "Don't you just love the moon?" I asked turning back to her.

"Oh my god, Camila your eyes!!" She whispered shouted, looking at my eyes closely.

"What? What's wrong with them?" I asked looking at my reflection in the window. In the window, I could see my eyes were glowing red, but this time it was like a bloody red. When I looked back at Lauren, I saw her eyes were also red.

"Look at me, look into my eyes" Lauren commanded staring intently at me. Following her orders, I did as told. A few minutes later, Lauren's eyes went back to their natural colour. "There you go"

"What was that?"

"Camila, I um.."

"What's happening to me?" I asked scared.

"You're an ancient-"

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