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     Where I live, it's too different to even be classified as "home" it's more of a prison. And we're only one of the other thousands of dome cities that cover the planet. Each family is only allowed one child, the minister believes that it will conserve resources? At least that's what we're told. All children over the age of two, and up to the age of sixteen were required to go to school for 9 hours a day learning basic subjects and also learning how to please the minister if he approachs you. People seventeen to sixty five get on a train, and leaves to who knows where, my mother always told me that she was working, but I've never believed her. Thats the only time you're allowed to leave your dome. Me, being my curious sixteen year old self, wondered why it had to be this way, how come we couldn't be like our neighboring town. They have all the pretty, perfect, smart people. They live normal lives while me and hundereds of others are forced to have the beat up, ugly stuff while they have nice clothes and mansions.The kids only have to go to school for 3 hours. That's what I call unfair. And its so boring we can't even laugh at something or crack a joke without being yelled at. Just what we needed right? Welcome to the life of me, Ethany.

     I was born a very rambunctious child which wasn't in my favor. My parents didn't know what to do with me. At the age of 2 I already learned how run and hide in the cupboards up higher and sneak away from my parents in the morning so I didn't have to go to school. And when they caught me (if they ever did) at school, I couldn't even make through a half hour of that hell without needing to get up and run around. The people in our dome were considered the dumb ones, so we required to have more schooling, and for longer. It shouldn't be my fault that I dreaded school, all the other kids in the other domes were already a few grades ahead of me. But boy did I know the principles office well, I could probably describe it with my eyes shut. I generally didn't see a problem with my "bad" behavior. Even if I had a hard time making friends because of it...
     There was only one boy who understood me. Kyden. He was a shy, anxious kid who didn't have a single friend but me. It was strange, we actually got along really well. Not to mention we grew up together, our birthdays are only a day apart. We were born in the same hospital, with neighboring rooms. Now at sixteen we still can't stand to be apart from each other. We each can go on for hours talking about our problems and never get tired of listening to each others voice. It was weird, I always thought he was cute but now that we're older and will soon be paired to start dating I have dreamed of dating him. Sadly we could never be together, I mean we're best friends since birth. I couldn't, no matter how much I wanted it to happen it'd just be too weird. Even if that wasn't the case, your parents pick your spouse, and I can assure you my parents wouldn't pick Kyden.
     They find him "strange" and "too quiet" on me. I think it has to do with the fact that his mom and my dad were engaged before his parents called it off because they thought my mom would be better for him. They were furious but that's how it works around here, minister doesn't care about our happiness, man do I hate him. But despite that I just push my feelings aside and remember to be grateful that I can at least be his friend.
     And this, is where my story begins. At my house when Kyden was over, is when I got a crazy idea that could maybe free me from this awful place. It was a long shot, but I knew it could work. I had to at least try. I also knew Kyden wouldn't be too fond of it, his anxiety makes it hard for him to move out of his comfort zone. I've tried to help him, and I think its working. He's finally asking me for things and giving me compliments which is definitely progress. He comes over often, and even sleeps over. His situation at home isn't the best. With both parents being heavy alcoholics he's always having to deal with them being drunk. Here in our dome of a town, it's against the law to have alcohol or even coffee. If any of the patrol officers found out you had any alcohol in your system, you could be thrown in jail, or even killed. So Kyden took over as their guardian when they get drunk, hes put them to bed then rushes over here and hopes they don't have too bad of a hangover when they wake up for their morning commute.
     Soon I'm hoping we can leave all this. Tomorrow is my birthday, and turning 17 was big. I was done with being a child, I got to go on the train in the morning with my parents and find out the secretive place they travel to everyday.

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