Chapter Four

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Ryann P.O.V

"Are you out of your damn mind?"

I groaned and turned over away from the source of the voice.

"Here. Open your mouth"

Two pills and water was washed down my throat.

"What the hell were you thinking? Ryann you need a fucking bath you reek of whiskey."

I heard the bathtub water running but I still didn't dare open my eyes. After being stripped out of my clothes I was carried and put inside the bathtub.

I flinched at the temperature of the water. I blindly turned off the cold water.

"Ryann you going to scar yourself with that hot water"

"Can you get in with me, please"

I heard his clothes being shed to the bathroom floor. Hunter positioned his self behind me and wrapped his arm around me.

"I never said it back"


"I love you too, I never said it back. Do you hear me Hunter I love you too" I turned around to look him in his eyes

I didn't want to admit that I was still in love with Hunter even though both of us changed since high school. We've changed in so many ways that we can't even imagine.

"We're not the same people from high school we was so compatible in about every way. Now look at us seven and a half years later. You were always so sweet and I'm still an asshole. To this day I still don't understand how you survive through baseball you were so sweet. All the other baseball players was assholes and insensitive to others feelings. But opposite attracts right, cause now you have a child with that asshole." I shook my head as I pulled my knees up

"You can't help that your an asshole sometimes and you know it. We might not be compatible like we was in high school, but now is different. We can make it way better than high school."

After our bath we were now lying in bed while my hand ran through his hair he was enjoying it as his eyes were shut.

"Did you go to prom?"

"Mmmm?" Hunter hummed while his eyes stayed close

"Do you go to prom?"

"Yeah I went both times"

"I'm sure you had a date" I was curious because we had planned to go to prom

"You remember Hilda? Well we went both times."

"Mmmm" I grunted

"She kissed me when we went junior year. Then senior year she wanted to fuck in the back of my truck."

I hated that bitch Hilda all the boys loved her short, blonde, blue eyes, softball babe, she was so pretty. Nice athletic build, flat stomach, nice waist and a nicely toned perky butt. She was so sweet and innocent to everyone. But me, I saw past her bullshit. I always made sure I watched her.

Hunter didn't have taste in blondes he liked brunettes. But that didn't stop her from hanging on him, being under him, or touching him.

She knew I didn't like her and if at any time of the day she wanted to throw hands we could've.

I wasn't going to fight her over Hunter who at the time was indeed my boyfriend. But if I did it was going to be over the little things that she said to me. The things that no one heard.

She was a nasty one, telling me all what she's going to do to Hunter. How she was going to moan when he did it this way or how he did it that way. She even showed me how she was going to suck his 'dick'.

"I told you about her. Did I not?"

"I know but how was I supposed to know she wanted me."

"How could you not, every chance she got she was always in your fucking face."

Hunter phone started ringing on the night stand stopping us from continuing our conversation.

"Hello... yes this is.....I'll be there" Hunter talked in a hushed tone before he hung up his phone

"Umm that was Chase's school, he seem to have got in a little bit of trouble. "

My eyebrows furrowed

"What the fuck Hunter- "

"Let me explain before you jump down my throat. When I took Hunter to school this morning I talked to his teacher"

I was not happy with Hunter's decision but I had to get over it. He indeed was Chase father so he had the right to.

I pulled on my shoes and walked to the door with keys in hand as Hunter was right on my trail.

My keys was suddenly snatched out of my hand. I frowned at Hunter's back as he was walking to my car.

"Women have road rage" he said over his shoulder as he got in

I rolled my eyes and went to the passengers side. Can you believe he had the nerve to look at me and smile. The nerve he have.

"I hate you"

"But you don't hate this dick"

I looked out the window until Chase school came into view. Hunter tried to walk hand in hand with me. He knew I wasn't into public affection which made me angry.

We entered the front office and as soon as we entered we was directed to an empty conference room.

Soon the principal entered with a smile on her smug face.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Milliam"

"Good afternoon miss. May I ask why we're here on this lovely afternoon?" Hunter asked truthfully but I was still stuck on the Mrs. Milliam part but I was sure that Hunter loved it

"It seems as if Chase has got into a small altercation with one of his fellow classmates. Resulting in a fist fight between the two."

"What?" I asked in disbelief and rage that someone put their hands on my baby. Hunter reassuring hand calmed me.

"Ms. if I may ask what was the cause for this altercation"

"You will have to ask your child he refrained from talking. But however if a situation like this was to ever happen again we will take action of out of school suspension."

"What about the other student?"

"I have talked to his parents via phone call"

"What was the reason for us to come, if we weren't meeting with the other parents." I interjected

"You were called here because your son has knocked the other child's  tooth out and fractured his nose."

I gaped at her words not believing that Chase could cause that much harm.

"Where's Chase? Can I have a talk with his teacher?"

I shook my head today just took a turn for me.

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