Chapter Two

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Ryann P.O.V

My eyes popped open as morning was upon. The heat that I once had was not there.

Where was Hunter?

I let my nose lead me to the kitchen where Hunter was there cooking breakfast.

"Morning" I managed to rasp out before I fled to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I walked back in the kitchen and sat down at the island watching Hunter finish his cooking.

Hunter turned around flashed me a quick smile. I watched as he turned back around putting the spatula down.

"Morning to you too Ryann" he said before kissing my forehead making a ghost smile appear on my lips.

I went inside of Chase's room to see him spread wildly on the bed as his pillow and cover was on the floor.

"Chase get up" Its always a hazard to wake him up

I stood him up and rubbed his back to wake him a little. Chase started rubbing his eyes as I pulled him into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Mimi I'm tired" Chase whined

"I know baby but we can't let your breakfast get cold. Okay?"

Chase let out a defeated okay as he continued on brushing his teeth. Chase and I walked inside the kitchen and sat at the island as our plate of French toast and bacon was waiting on us.

"Thank you" I said as Hunter eyes was roaming over me inspectively.

After breakfast Chase went back to sleep. I was doing a little spring cleaning when I felt a presence looming around me.


"Are you going to tell him I'm his father?"

One thing about Hunter is that he's very straightforward. It's a mixed blessing.

"Obviously I am"

"Lydia I just asked a question. There's no need for the attitude"

"Do not call me Lydia"

If it's one thing I hate the most is being called by my first name.

"Look. Ryann all I'm trying to get at is I want my child to know who I am."

"I know and I'm going to sit down and tell him"

"Ryann I just want what's good for the both of you. No need to be hostile. We're adults we can talk all this out."

"I understand"

"Can I take you and Chase out"


"Be dressed in two hours"


"Where are we going?" I asked for the fifth time, as we was riding in the city

"Ryann hush. You'll see when we get there."

I stayed quiet until we got to this building called launch.

"What is this?"

Hunter got out without a word so I followed in suit. Hunter opened the door for Chase.

"You ask too many questions"

"You ready Chase?"

"As ever"

I jumped around a little but Hunter and Chase didn't tire until time was up for the two as they laughed and played around. We headed to a restaurant that was next to the building to eat lunch.

While we were waiting for our food I kept feeling as if someone was staring at me. I looked around slowly but was cut off when I was called into Chase and Hunter's conversation.

"Can he mimi?" Chase asked with his puppy dog eyes


Later that night

"Your trying to take him from me. Your holding him over my head. Just please don't take him. I'm already alone you know I don't have any one."

Tears ran down my face as I sobbed harshly. Maybe I was being over dramatic about this whole situation.

"Ryann I promise I'm not trying to take him away. I'm not going to take you to court that's the last thing I want to do. We can just come to an agreement like adults."

I looked into his eyes and saw he was sincere. My eyes then traveled down to his plump lips as they were slightly parted. We were very close and I'd be damned if I said there was no sexual tension.

I looked back into his eyes as we both leaned in. His lips hovered over mine for a second longer than what I wanted. I leaned all the way initiating the kiss. His hand reached around my neck like he was choking me, pulling me in more than ever. His other hand went to my hair pulling my hair, tilting my head. Which gave more access for his tongue to roam my mouth.


"Ryann I have always loved you. I'm still in love with you. No matter how many times I cursed your name or tried to forget about you. But nothing worked and I'm still in love with you
Ryann. Nothing can change that"

I didn't know what to say I stared at him perplexed while he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I didn't know you still felt that way about me. Even though I basically hid our child away from you."

"Well I do. Now give me some sugar"

I laughed at Hunter but that was cut short when his lips was on mine again. My body started tingling and I loved it when we our tongues danced together.

I laid back on the bed as Hunter followed hovering over me. I grabbed his very firm buttocks which made him smile in the kiss.

He then started softly kissing my neck making sure to leave marks behind. I breathed in cause it felt cold where his lips were.

"Let me show you Ryann. Let me show you how much I missed you" he said as my pajama pants and underwear was being slid off.

I looked down into his baby blues with their mischievous glint. Hunter softly blew on my clit and grinned at me.

"Are you ready baby?"

His tongue flicked my clit once over then his mouth was attached to my clit. My eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Oh babe. Yeah right there. I like when you flick your tongue like that."

Back in high school Hunter used to love when I told him what to do.

"Fuck" I moaned out when he harshly sucked on my clit

He put his hands on my lower back and raised up my hips. I placed my hands on the back of his head. I rolled my hips so that my clit can roll on his tongue as I had an out-of-body experience.

After he lapped up my juices he came up and laid a hot kiss sloppily on my lips. As we were kissing I felt him rub his clothed cock on my bare slit.

I locked my ankles around his waist as I hummed in pleasure.

"Thats for another day, you better believe that I'm going to ride that pretty pussy of yours. But for now we sleep." Hunter said as he laid his head on my stomach.

Before I drifted off tired from our sexual encounter.

'I won't regret getting good head'

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