"I've to run, it was nice meeting you Evelyn."

She didn't smile brightly like she usually did, "Nice meeting you, Michael." She told him.

For once her eyes didn't lure him in, she actually looked disappointed.

"See you around." He told her, walking past her.

"You know where to find me." She called after him.

She was dropping the ball in his court now, he didn't know how to feel about that. Yes, she very much intrigued him, maybe because she was so cheerful and confident. Looking like a woman who was very comfortable in her own skin. He was only there for two weeks though. If he accepted her invitation it would only be two weeks of fun. He knew not a lot of women could deal with that. So no matter how flattering it was he had to forget about it.


Finishing up his last meeting Michael ended the conference call and checked his email. Zara had not responded, but he didn't think she would answer him right away. Closing his laptop he went to the hotel's restaurant and had dinner there, taking his time to catch up with his emails on his phone, reading through them to stay on top of things. Adam gave him daily reports about the situation at the office.
Sipping from his water he nearly dropped his phone when he saw Zara's caller ID. It was the first time she managed to surprise him in a good way. Zara always had been very calculating, it wasn't hard for him to guess what she was thinking.

"Hey." He greeted, answering the phone before he missed her call.

"Hey." She greeted back, sounding a lot gentler than when he last spoke to her, "I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, you didn't it's nearly nine, I'm having a late dinner."

"Working late?" She asked.

"Yeah." He carefully asked her, "Did you read my email?"

"I did." She didn't hesitate when she answered him, "I think that you're right. When you get back we should actually discuss things. I don't like the way things ended. It's not how it was supposed to go. I know how you feel about me and I feel the same."


"I don't tell you that often, I'm aware of that. That's why-"

"You told me to find someone better. Zara, there is no one else who I'd like to marry though."

He could actually hear the smile in her voice, "That's really nice of you, Mike. But we shouldn't make decisions over the phone. For now we should leave things the way they are. When you get back we'll get together and actually talk things through."

Sometimes he wished his Zara was less clinical about things. That she could make choices based upon her actual feelings, but she had let that go a long time ago.

"Okay, we'll leave things the way they are for now." He agreed.

"When you get back we'll talk, I promise."

He paid for his dinner and headed to the elevator to go back to his room. He was done for tonight.

"Sure." He never did this before, but couldn't listen to her talk right now, not when she crushed his heart once again, "I need to go, we'll talk when I get back." He told her and ended the call.

He hated that he let his emotions get the better of him, but relationships weren't supposed to be the way Zara wanted it to be. She told him things weren't supposed to be that hard, but they weren't supposed to be that thought out either. When you loved someone you'd make things work. It was something he firmly believed in.

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