Chapter 2

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There was chaos and if she wasn't this focused tears would swell up and stream down her face. "Bring me a bowl of water!" she yelled in no one in particular, someone would follow the order soon enough and she was too focused on her father. "Father, stay with me." Her voice sounded broken. He may have been quite the horrible men to his people most of the time, he was still her father. He had his own weird reasoning to do everything he did, he loved her and she loved him. He couldn't die. She wasn't going to let that happen. Her hands began working the water, letting it cool the burns on his skin. Soothing them and making the pain more bearable for him. Herbs were soaked into the bowl, giving the water a more healing power. Her mother just sat there, too shocked about what happened. But then again, her mother had been weaker than ever the last few months, so she probably couldn't help in any way either. The water coated his skin and she knew there was nothing more she could do, gently her hand caressed his cheek. "Don't leave me." She whispered and sobs began breaking through, a tear sliding down her cheek and hitting on her father's forehead. The doctor ran to them and let his man carry her father onto the stretcher taking him away without saying any word to her and her mother. And it was the first time in months that her mother wrapped her arms around her, held her close and hugged her as she tried to stay strong. But it didn't take long, when Adira began crying her mother couldn't keep it in any longer. Letting the tears stream down her face. The only thing they wanted now was for him to heal and life.

They sat for hours, together on a bench. Her mother had fallen asleep, her head resting on Adira her shoulder. But she couldn't, she was sparked with so much anger against the boy. He had come into here, with a damn gun in his pants and his powers. It still was not clear what his mission was, but him ruining the main ballroom and hurting her father was enough for her to hate him at this moment. He was stupid, who did he think he even was? He was all alone here, there was no way he could succeed whatever his mission was, and she was pretty certain that at this point they were debating of how to take his life. He wasn't worthy of one off those games they tended to play with prisoners in the arena. If her father would die, then so would he. For god's sake, she did not even knew his name. She knew nothing about him, only that he was being incredibly stupid. Sunken in her own thoughts she didn't even notice the doctor coming to her. "Miss," he began which made her snap back into reality. "Yes?" she asked eager, needing to know if he was alright. Did he make it? "The king needs allot of rest, but he will be okay. Your healing probably has saved his life." He said and again tears began to stream. Tears from relief and her mother began to wake up. "Can we see him? " Adira asked and the doctor nodded. "Keep in mind that he is sleeping, we have drugged him to make sure he has allot of rest especially today." And Adira nodded, standing up and taking her mother with her to her father.

He looked so calm, his chest rising up and down slowly and peacefully. But the reddened skin and bandages gave of a total different vibe. She was glad that he was okay, he may have been quit old for a king nowadays but she couldn't be without him yet. Perhaps she never could, he was a steady rock she enjoyed having. She stayed by his side as long as she could, her mother had gone back to her bedroom already. Being so exhausted from what has happened, Adira had told her that she would stay with her father and that it was okay for her to take her rest. She didn't want to fall asleep, she felt like she had to watch him every minute. As if she was afraid something could go wrong any minute. But sleep was taking over her body as her eyes began to fall close.

Shaken awake by her mother, she opened her eyes slowly. Adira hadn't even noticed she had fallen asleep. Her muscles had gotten stiff and sore from sleeping in such a odd position. "Hmm?" she rubbed her eyes looking up at the clock. It seemed like it was already next day. "I got worried when the maids said you didn't go to bed last night." Her mother spoke as the wrinkled, slightly cold hand stroked over the top of her head. "I had fallen asleep here." She said, as if it had not been obvious yet. "Didn't want to leave him alone." She mumbled and stretched her arms, moving her neck around and setting her feet on the ground again. "Come Adira, let's have breakfast. Your father will be asleep for another few hours." She looked at him again, her mother was probably right. Or well, she knew her mother was right she just didn't want to leave her father's side. "Yeah, I am quite hungry." She said as she gave in and followed her mother out.

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