Chapter 12

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Bepper POV

Soon it turned to a makeout session. Mia broke the kiss and pulled off my shirt. I smirked and pulled her back into the kiss.

Mia got ontop of me and moved her fingers down my body. I shivered as she did that. When she got to my pants I gasped as she pulled them down. When they were fully off my legs, she threw it across the room. I watched as she took off her shirt. Now we're both in our bras. She crawled over to me and kissed me roughly.

I kissed back. I then heard a door open. I ignored it as Mia broke the kiss and moved down to my neck. She kissed my neck searching for my sweet spot. I moaned when she found it and sucked on it. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Yelled a familiar voice. I jumped and opened my eyes. Mia got off of me and looked at the guy infront of us.

James was blushing red. "What the living hell Mia! I thought you were with Ju-" "James. I want you to keep this a secret. Okay?" Mia said interuppting James. "Another secret to keep? Alright." Said James shrugging. James then made a disgusted look "Can you guys get your clothes back on atleast? I can't stand looking at my sister in her bra and panties." James said looking away from them disgusted. "Well sorry for you walking in.." I said getting off the bed to retrieve my shirt and pants.

Mia put her shirt back on and shooed James out of the room. "I cant believed he walked in on us!" Said Mia sighing. I nodded as a blush crept on my cheeks thinking about what would of happened if James didn't walk in. "Sarah, what are you thinking about? You're blushing." Mia said smirking at me. I blushed a deeper red and smiled. "Its nothing, really." I said giggling. I slowly got off of the bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Mia said getting off the bed. "I'm going to my hotel room. I'm-" I said as my yawn interuppted what I said. "Tired.." I finished my sentence and went to the door. I felt a hand on my arm. "No, you can sleep in here with me. It's quite lonely in here.." Mia said looking at me. I noticed her eye dialating. I sighed and nodded. She smiled and let go of my arm to hug me. I hugged back."Well, you can go to your hotel room to change into your pajamas.." Mia said breaking the hug.

I nodded and opened the door. "I will be back." I said closing the door slowly. I then felt that lonely feeling. I ignored the feeling and walked to my hotel room door. I took out the key card and put it in the lock. I watched the red light turn to green which meant that the door is unlocked.

I took out the card that the worker at the front desk gave me and opened the door. I felt the cold breeze hit me like the wind hits you in the winter. I went into the hotel closet and opened my bag that has clothes in it. I decied to wear high black shorts(that was only down to my thigh), and a black and white short sleeve. I put the clothes that I was previously wearing in the bag and closed it. I closed the hotel closet door too and picked up my hotel card that is on the floor. Luckily my high shorts had pockets.

I put the card in my right pocket and walked to my hotel door. I opened it and I slowly walked into the warm hallway. I closed my hotel door and sighed slightly. I walked to Mia's hotel door and stood infront of it. I knocked fast but not too hard. I then see the hotel door open to see Mia's sad, lonely face light up. "Hey!" Mia said smiling. "Hey Mia." I replied smiling back. She opened her door more so I can come in.

I stepped in and smiled bigger. I ran and jumped onto her bed. 'I love this bed but not as I love Mia.' I thought as I got comfy. "I got us a movie." She said holding up the blue ray version of Secret Life of Pets. "YOU HAVE NOT!" I said in a gasp. I always wanted to watch that movie. "I have it right here!" Mia said holding it up. I was just about to scream but only a litle jolt and a small scream came out. She opened up the case, put in the disk, turned off the lights, then crawled into bed with me.

I put my head on her shoulder and smiled brightly. 'She is my everything.' I thought as I looked at focused on the movie trailers. I looked back at the movie(AKA the movie trailers.) Trailers for movies were playing right now and I felt bored. So I cuddled up next to Mia and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

I looked up to Mia and smiled. There was complete silence and only thing that I could hear was the movie. "I love you." I suddenly blurted out breaking the silence. "I love you too Sarah." Mia replied looking at me. She pulled me into a kiss and I smiled into the kiss

'How can best friends turn to lovers? I guess time is responsible.'

Whew! As long request to update, its finally finished!

I have a question for you all, do you guys want Juparri next chapter or more Bepsteria? I know some people want some Juparri. But, do you guys want Bepsteria and Juparri or just Bepsteria? Put your answers in the comments! Your answers will determine the chapters in the future.

Anyway, I hope you all have a nice day! Keep reading and i'll keep writing! :)

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