Chapter 5

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Wisteriamoon/Mia POV

As I got ready and dressed for day 1 of Vidcon I got a phone call. I walked to it and answered.  "Hellooooo?" I smiled. "Hellloooooooooooooooooooo!" I laughed as I heard Bepper's voice on the other side. "Hey, why couldn't you just knock on my door?" I facepalmed. "Oh! Whoops! Sorry." I heard her giggle echo from my ears which made me smile. Then  I heard my phone beep telling me that she hung up. I put the phone back down on the white table it was on and I put my pants on. I opened my door and saw her there about to knock. She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. A blush crept onto my cheeks and I whispered. "Make sure the others don't see us hold hands." I winked and she nodded as we held hands.

When we were close to the others we let go of each others hands. I felt sad because I wanted Bepper to always know I would be there for her. I guess I will show her another way. I sighed but kept a smile as me and Bepper joined the others.

"What took you so long?!" I looked at Aparri. "Ehm, I was getting dressed." I looked at him straight in the eyes. He nodded. "Anyway, lets go to Vidcon!" Everyone smiled and we started to walk to Vidcon.

Once we got there, we saw a lot of people like The Gabbie Show, Jacob Cough SaggyTits, and etc. 

~Time Skip Brought To You By Vidcon! (And my laziness :P)~

Later when we were walking back home I brushed my hand against Bepper's. We both glanced at each other blushing. I smiled.

When we reached the hotel and I got into my hotel room I jumped on my hotel bed. I then went under the covers and snuggled. I wish Bepper was here. I sighed. I think Bepper heard or read my mind because I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I exclaimed telling them they can come in and I saw Bepper. She smiled when she saw me snuggled in my blanket. She soon get on the hotel bed and crawled under the covers. I felt something warm wrap around me and I knew it was Bepper. I smiled and closed my eyes knowing that she would protect me. 

I was holding hands with Bepper walking through the park. I glanced at her and suddenly she dropped to the floor crying. I looked at her worried. "Are you okay?!" I heard a silence of quiet sobs then I heard her say something I regret hearing. "Leave me alone! I never loved you!" I felt my heart shatter and I felt the salty tears run down my face as I ran as far as I could. "Mia? Mia!" I took out my phone and called Aparri. "Aparri, please pick me up." "Mia, please wake up." I suddenly felt the ground under me shook. I grabbed onto something until I saw Aparri. I ran up to him and hugged him sobbing into his red shirt. "What happened?" I looked at him. He looked worried but I didn't say anything. "Bep- Bep-.. I-I.." I couldn't say anything. "Please wake up Mia!"  I felt the shaking under me. Aparri wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall"You're okay. I have you." The shaking got worse and a crack formed under Aparri. I gasped and he let go of me. He pushed me back and looked me in the eyes. "Forever remember me." I widen my eyes realizing what he said. "No!" Then the crack grew bigger and he fell into the gap. "NOO! APARRI!" I looked down and he was gone. I sat down and started to sob. Bepper soon came over to me and she put her head on my shoulder. "It's okay." I turned my head which made her lift her head. I grabbed her shirt and kissed her. She kissed me back. I let go of her shirt and broke the kiss. I hugged her and started to cry again. I felt a sudden push on my chest-

"Finally you wake up!" Bepper sighed of relief. I looked at her. "W-what happened?!" She looked at me to explain what happened. "Well, I woke up before you and I just decided to go on my phone while I was waiting for you to wake up. Later you started to twist and turn which wasn't like you. I tried waking you up but it didn't work. So what I did was I kept shaking you and it worked I guess?" She laughed and I smiled. Then I realized what happened in my dream and frowned. 

"Are you okay?" She looked at me straight in the eyes with her brown chocolately eyes filled with worry. I shook my head slightly. She hugged me then I felt the emotion hit me like a subway. I felt the salty tears roll down my cheeks to Bepper's shirt. I let it all out. I broke down into a sob while Bepper was rubbing my back smoothly and slowly saying kind words like, "It's okay," and "I'm here." When i was done crying I opened my eyes. Bepper's side of her shirt where I was it was soaked with tears. "I'm sorry."

Bepper kissed my cheek. "It's okay." A blush crept onto my cheeks and I smiled. I jumped when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled telling them they can come in. I turned my head and my eyes widen to see it was.


Hehe, Cliffhanger! ;) If you enjoyed leave a comment and a vote if you want :P

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