Chapter 11

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I'm starting to get worried about Sarah. What if she runs away? What if she gets hurt? What if I never see her again? What if- My thoughts were interrupted from a knock on my hotel door. I got up from my bed and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Julian. I half smiled as he smiled brightly at me. "Hey Mia!" Said Julian hugging me. I hugged back. The door was open I saw Sarah staring at me. Her face expressed a hurt feeling. 'When will you be mine?' I think that's what she was trying to express. 'One day.' I'm really good with doing faces with meanings. She nodded and walked away. Julian then broke the hug. "So how are you?" He asked smiling. "Doing good. Me and Sarah went to go get some hot coco earlier!" I replied smiling. I looked at his eyes and I saw a little bit of jealous in his eyes. "Oh cool! Me and Jim went to get some too earlier!" He smiled but I saw his eye dialate. It looked like love. 'Does he like Jim?' I thought but I shrugged it off.

"So Mia, how's you and Sarah? I caught you two holding hands." He said smirking. I blushed a deep red. "Oh uh... Uhm.." I said not knowing what to say. "It's fine. As long as nothing.. You know. " He said laughing. I blushed a deeper red. "We would never do that Good gosh Julian!" I said with kinda anger in ny voice. He started laughing so hard he almost started crying. I rolled my eyes waiting for his laughter to calm down."Are you done yet?" I said sighing as his laughter died down. He nodded and sat down on my bed. "Julian, you made me so embarrassed. You should leave." I said still blushing with embarrassment. I was kinda mad at him for watching me and Sarah. He sighed and walked to the door. "See ya Mia." I didn't reply and I rolled my eyes. He walked out then closed the door.

I went back onto my bed and got all comfortable. I went on my phone then someone knocked at my door. "UGH WHY!! I JUST GOT COMFORTABLE!" I said annoyed. I groaned as I got up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Sarah. I smiled. "Hey Sarah!" I said happily. "Hey Mia! I heard your conversation with Julian." She replied and grabbed my hands. "Yeah.. It's weird having your boyfriend stalk you." I said with sort of anger in my voice. I then realized what I said but thankfully Sarah didn't look hurt. "To be honest, having you boyfriend or girlfriend stalk you is weird." Sarah said smiling.

I nodded in agreement. "Want to grab some hot coco?" Said Sarah smiling. "Sarah. This is like the 5th time we are going to get hot coco." I said starting to get annoyed. "I just love hot coco at how hot it is and-" "You can get some i'll be here." I said interrupting her. She nodded and walked away. I closed the door and went into bed. I got into my comfortable spot then I relaxed. I went back onto my phone going through Instagram. Later Bepper Snap chatted me. She took a photo with her and her hot coco. She had the dog snap chat filter and it said "I got the hot coco" I laughed and replied. I took a picture of me and put in text."Lit" I put on the dog snap chat filter then I sent it.

Then I heard a knock on my hotel door. "Come in!" I exclaimed telling them they can come in. I heard my door open then close and I saw Sarah. "Hey!" I said happily. She smiled and laid down beside me. "Hey Mia." She said drinking her hot coco. Before I was about to reply I heard a knock at my door. "COME IN!" I exclaimed and I heard the door open. It was Julian. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Hey Julian." Sarah said looking at Julian. His cheeks were a deep red. "Julian, are you okay? Your cheeks are a deep red." I said watching as he jumped at my words. "We-we..." He replied stuttering. 'What is wrong with him?' I thought as Sarah laid down on my stomach and went through Instagram. "I'll be right back.." Said Julian as he went to my door with my Doritos! "WHOA HOLD IT THERE!" I said making him stop. "First, who are those for. Second, why are you blushing so red and leaving so quickly?!" I said wanting answers.. 

"Oh, the Doritos is for Jim, he wants some and he told me you have some." He replied looking at me straight in the eyes. "Oh.. Okay, go on now. Save me some too or you owe me $5!" I said laughing. He laughed and opened my hotel door. I watched him leave and close the hotel room door. When he left I started to play with Sarah's hair. I started twirling my finger in her hair. "Stop Mia." Sarah said but I ignored her and continued to twirl my finger in her hair then she grabbed my arm while still looking at her phone. "I told you to stop Mia. I'm sorry if I sound rude but I don't like people touching my hair." Sarah said as she let go of my arm. "Oh." I said untwirling my finger from her hair. 

I went on my phone and thought of an idea. I went on Instagram and went to the camera. I went to the video area and held the button in the middle. "Hey Sarah." I said pointing the phone to Sarah. "Yeah?" She said and looked at the camera. "Don't record me!" Sarah said covering her hand with the phone which made me laugh. I accidentally let go of the button and it was now saved. I pressed next in the upper right hand corner and I watched it. I laughed and pressed next again. I then put a caption.'Chilling out with Bepper 😎😎✌'

I pressed the share button and it posted. I watched the likes and comments flood in. I read through some 'OMG I SHIP YOU TWO! #Bepsteria', '(Tagged Bepsteria) LOOK, BEPSTERIA CONFIRMED', I looked at the last one it was from Aparri. 'Wat is dis lol' I replied saying '(Tagged Aparri)#Bepsteria is here to destroy #Juparri 😁' the comments went crazy after I said that. I laughed and Sarah looked at me. "What?" She asked raising one eyebrow. "Oh, it's just on Instagram. Me and Aparri were talking and I said Bepsteria was here to destory Juparri." I said watching Sarah smile. She then sat beside and watched me scroll through all the comments. I then scrolled up to me and Aparri's short conversation in the comments. "This is how it all started. Aparri commented this." I said pointing to the comment.

Sarah took my phone and started reading the convo. When she was done she gave it back to me and smiled. "Bepsteria away?" She asked. "Bepsteria away." I replied pulling her into a kiss.


Sorry that it took so long to update my fanfic! I was so busy with homework and I get writers block. So sorry.. Anyway, have a nice day! Keep reading and i'll keep writing! :)

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