11 ~ The Dreadful End.

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Many years passed since the incident. Not may people remembered it, and if they did they chose to forget about it. All except me. I wanted to forget, but I couldn’t so I didn’t try. Even the 21 shaped scar was a constant reminder.

About nine months after the incident, I held a gurgling baby Hope in my arms. Yes, she was his. Tom's. But when I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't kill the tiny life inside me, no matter how evil the father. And she was beautiful. She looked nothing like him, and she had my blonde hair and teal coloured eyes. She was called Hope, because when I was on that ship, It was all I had left.

It was strange. I was a freak, and there were questions. Questions the goverment didnt want answer. This incident hadn't even been on the news - It was as though they refused to acknowledge it happened. But it did, and eventually the truth would rise to the top.

It always did.

And then there was Sunny's funeral. I was the only one there, but as promised, it was nice, closed casket and I put flowers on the grave at the end. Then, it was forgotten about.

The end.

School was probably the worst though. It's not even like I got picked on, people pitied me too much to do that. Even the teachers gave me looks, and I hated it. It was more like I was invisible, not paid attention too or even talked to. People didn’t seem to know what to say. But I can honestly say one thing about this experience, one truthful thing…It changed me in more ways than anyone can imagine.

But be careful, when out there in the dark. You never know, you may just end up in the same situation as me.

The end.


AN; so, did you enjoy it? I really hope you did! again, another thanks to all the people who helped me out with this. I really tried my best on this piece of work, so please do vote and comment on it. Do listen to the songs I put at the end of each chapter, they sort of fit into the writing I guess.

No, there will be no sequel. Sorry, I'm just not in the right set of mind to do that. And I'm kind of happy with where I left it. As you might guess if you read this when it came out, a lot has changed. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I personally hated the way I made Grace.

Anyway. A last thank you to all my fans out there.



Peace out.

Final song - Sing, My Chemical Romance.

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