The Snow Ch. 2

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*Your POV*

We started walking, slowly I realized we weren't alone. As we reached a bridge gate thing, the footsteps came closer and closer until. "H U M A N S.  I S   T H A T  A N Y   W A Y  T O  T R E A T  A       N E W  F R I E N D? T U R N   A R O U N D  A N D  S H A K E  M Y  H A N D."  Frisk turns around and shakes his hand, a farting noise sounded from the general direction of the hand shake. "The classic whoopie cushion in the hand trick, gets them every time." Frisk smiles at his joke and I'm a little giggly myself. "Anyways my name is Sans, Sans the skeleton. You're a human right? That's hilarious. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now but my brother Papyrus, now he's a human hunting Fanatic. Hey, that's him over there. Here cross the bridge, my brother made the bars too wide to stop anyone. Quick one of you stand behind the conveniently shaped lamp. The other one can hide behind the sentry station." After a few puns and a little frustration from the position I was in, Frisk and I continued our journey. I really wanted to know where Sans went though, he caught my interest but I doubt he will ever notice me. 

After some puzzles with the goofy skelebros we reached snowdin. Lovely place I'd have to say. Frisk seemed cold earlier so I gave them my jacket, but now I'm freezing. Ehh, I'll get over it. When we reached the skeleton's house, I stayed and sat on the porch until Frisk came back with Papyrus and apparently they were on a date? I sat on the couch when a familiar figure walks in through the door. "Hey Sans. Watsup?" I tried to act casual. "Oh you know, the ceiling. So are you waiting for Frisk and Papyrus' 'date' to be over?" "Yeah." "Ok, I'll wait with cha. Don't want ya to get bone-ly now do we?" I laughed at his pun. He was so cute. He sat on the couch and scooted a little closer. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. He reached for the remote to turn on the TV and fell asleep soon after. I guess I should sleep too, Frisk will be done soon and I want to be well rested. I fall asleep and 30 minuets later I am woken up by someone messing with my hair. I look up and see that I am now laying on Sans and he is stroking my hair. "You know, your H/C matches your eyes pretty well Y/N. And its a good length too, I've always liked H/L." I blushed an even redder than before. "Oh, umm, thanks i guess? I, umm, should be going, where's Frisk?" "They left 5 minutes ago, why?" "Oh, umm, no reason. It's just that I..I..." I look to the floor for some closure. Kinda helped I guess. "Hey, Y/N, do you really have to go with them? I mean, they know where we live so they can visit or call Papyrus if they need too. They took the phone with them so they'll be fine." Sans looks at me and I guess I made a weird expression or something because he got up and told me to stay on the couch while he went to grab something. While he was gone I laid on the couch and pulled up my sleeve to see the healed scars of the past. On the other arm, a symbol that I still can't explain but I don't really think much of it since I had it on my arm ever since I was born. It just looks so, out of place, I guess. I roll my sleeves back down when I heard the door open. It was Sans. "Hey, wanna go to Grillby's?". "Sure."

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