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Assalamualaikum/ heyy everyone!

This book is a collection of real life stories from your fellow Wattpad users. The themes of the stories vary thus expect to be crying in one chapter and laughing in another. You read at your own risk.

The goal of this book is to realize that every one of us have our own challenges in life in which we have to face and deal with; some more serious than others. But it's only through the remembrance of God that we find success and overcome these challenges. Some challenges break us while some make us. These stories are all real life events that made your fellow Wattpad friends. Yes, some events may not have been serious but it was nonetheless memorable and in the very least made them learn something important from life.

I pray that we learn to love God the way we should and strive to become a better Muslim and person every day. Ameen.   

Story TimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant