Chapter Three

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So, I just wanted to go ahead and say that Elmira and Illyria - in my story - are completely made up countries. I really hope you guys enjoy this story. Please don't be afraid to let me know what you think.


"My grandfather is a king," Ailey said aloud. She was going to have to get used to saying that.

As if mentioning him drew his attention across the large room, he looked up from the documents in his hand and smiled. It was a large smile that lit up his whole face. He looked to be in his sixties with reddish brown hair that was fighting the grey that threatened to take over. His green eyes were glassy with crinkles at the corners. He reminded Ailey of her father at that moment. She could definitely see the family resemblance. He stood from the table and met Ailey in the center of the room. "My word, you must be Ailey. It is so wonderful to finally meet you, my dear. You've grown into such a beautiful young woman. Your father sent me pictures of you, but I must say seeing you now takes my breath away." He pulled her into a hug. "I believe you've died your hair since the last pictures, though." He smiled as he held her at arms length to look her over.

Ailey's hair was a natural dark red. She had put thin yellow streaks through her bangs and the sections that framed her face. It made her teal colored eyes stand out a bit more. She really liked it and she was glad her grandfather didn't hate it. She was a bit worried that he wouldn't approve to her rather alternative appearance. She felt a heat rising to her cheeks. "It's an honor to meet you."

"My girl, the honor is all mine. Please, come sit." He lead her to a seat next to his at the head of the beautifully carved dining table. It was set with gorgeous porcelain with a crest painted in blue, yellow, and green. He caught her admiring the china. "That's our family crest. It's also Elmira's colors. There is so much to tell you about our family and this wonderful country."

Ailey nodded and smiled.  She was so happy to meet someone from her father's side of the family. She looked a lot more like his side, apparently. They had  the same nose, freckles, and jaw line. She also had shared her father's cheekbones and eye color - which must have come from her grandmother. "Uhm," she started a bit embarrassed. "I don't want to sound rude, so how exactly....what should I..." she trailed off unsure of how to finished her question.

"You may call me grandfather, if you like. My name is Charles so you can call me that if you feel more comfortable. I would rather you not refer to me formally." He gave her a gentle smile and motioned to Leo who disappeared through a connecting door. He returned a moment later with a few Margaret and a few other servants, each carrying food and drink to the table.

"Grandfather is fine," Ailey smiled back before studying the food on her plate. She couldn't help but giggle a little. On her plate was a twisting type of noodle was covered in cheese sauce in a form or homemade macaroni and cheese, a breaded chicken breast covered in a sweet smelling sauce, and mashed potatoes. A small salad with a vinaigrette similar to the sauce on the chicken filled a small bowel. Margaret filled her crystal glass with wine and placed a glass of water beside it. It was a pretty normal meal. She had expected something fancier.

Her grandfather must have known because he chuckled as well. "It is a rather simple meal. Your mother had the same reaction the first time she joined us for dinner here at Marblegrove Hall. That's the name of our castle. The sauce on the chicken is made from peaches and grapes, as is the salad dressing. It's quite delicious if I say so myself." He cut off a piece of the chicken as if to prove a point.

It sure smelled good. Ailey cut off a small bite and tested it. The sauce exploded as a wonderful flavor in her mouth. It wasn't something she had ever tasted before, but it was amazing. The salad dressing was even better. She and her grandfather talked throughout their meal. They both sipped the wine, which was apparently made right here in the castle. It was sweet and very light. Ailey only had a glass before she switched to the water, though. It was strange to be drinking at such a young age around adults. 

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