Chapter Four

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Ailey had been instructed to be in her grandfather's study by ten the next morning. She ate quickly and rushed to find where exactly his study was. Margaret had helped her pick out a simple outfit for the day: a white blouse, grey skirt, and her knee-high Docs. Margaret had tried to get Ailey to wear a pair of flats, but there was no getting her out of her favorite pair of boots.

At exactly ten o'clock, Ailey rushed through the doors to he king's study, nearly managing to fall on her face. "Sorry, grandfather. I got a little turned around." Her cheeks flamed as she apologized.

"Ah, but you are right on time. Besides, royalty is never late - others are simply early and impatient." Her grandfather smiled at her from behind his huge mahogany desk. "Isn't that right, Liam?"

She hadn't even noticed the gorgeous prince sitting in the chair across from the king. She had rushed away last night before she could manage to embarrass herself further. Still, Liam didn't look bothered at all. He simply chuckled and stood from his chair. "Of course. And the world will always wait for a princess."

Ailey was beginning to think her face was going to be permanently discolored. She really didn't know what to say to that. Her grandfather only raised an eye brow, letting the prince of Illyria's comment go. "Ailey. You told me yesterday that you can dance. I believe you, but I need to see how well you can dance. Liam will be you practicing partner. I'm afraid there will be quite a few people you will need to dance with at the ball and I do not wish for you to fall or anything."

"I won't fall," she promised the king. I've danced for years. Gymnastics, dance, and softball." She smiled at the memories of the past. "Dad had to have something." She shrugged.

"I imagine so," the king chuckled. "Still, it will only take a moment. Then we can go over how to greet guests and so forth." He rose from behind the desk and motioned for both Ailey and Liam to follow him.

Ailey remained silent as she trailed her grandfather with Liam beside her. She risked a glance at him out of the corner of her eye to find him smiling. What was he so happy about? It didn't take long for them to reach a large ballroom with marble floors, beautiful chandeliers, and columns that lined the sides of the room. She was still taking in the grand room when a beautiful instrumental began to play through unseen speakers.

"Would you care to dance?" Liam asked with a slight bow and a smirk.

This man was going to be the death of her. "Of course," came Ailey's stiff reply. Without thinking, her left hand went to rest on Liams strong shoulder and she offered her right to him. He had a strong frame and where her hand rested on his shoulder, she could feel his muscles tense and relax beneath her touch.

He took her chilled hand in his warm one and easily led her around the floor. Ailey was never good at being led, but she forced herself to allow him control over their movements. Despite the heavy boots that covered her feet, Ailey gracefully turned and glided across the slick floor. By the time the song had ended, there was no doubt that she could dance. Still, the king had the couple dance several different dances before he seemed pleased. Liam was clearly shocked Ailey had been able to keep up with such ease. She knew he had tried to impress her, but she had no trouble matching his steps.

"Excellent, Ailey. Now, if only all our guests had the skills to keep up with you as Liam does. Let's work on your entrance."

"Thank you for the dance. If you'll excuse me," Ailey spun on her heel and hurried away from a rather impressed Liam.


Princess lessons, as her grandfather had taken to calling them, lasted until lunch. He still had a lot to do before tomorrow's ball, so Ailey was released for the rest of the day. She knew the castle had a large stables and it had been ages since she had ridden. She quickly changed into a pair of tight grey riding breeches, stirrup friendly boots, and a shirt. Upon reaching the stables, the stable hand - and young man named Scott - helped Ailey to tack a horse he informed her belonged to her. He also gave her a helmet and made sure it fit properly.

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