Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

The pod races started at noon.

Obi-Wan quickly got to his feet when he realized that Anakin was no where to be seen. He ran out of the young boy's bedroom, searching the house to see if anyone was still there. He needed to talk to his master about his vision. He had to, he needed to tell someone. Anyone. He took a deep breath as he made his way back into the kitchen, sitting in one of the wooden chairs.

Myabe it was just a nightmare. Maybe it hadn't meant anything after all and he was just over-reacting about the whole situation. He prayed that that was the case. After a moment, he noticed a small piece of paper on the table. He picked it up and read the hand-writing on it.

Dear Obi-Wan,

We took Anakin to the race today, we'll be back shortly after with news on whether he has won or not. If Denali wakes up, contact me immediately.


Suddenly he heard a scream come from Anakin's room.


He sprinted out of the kitchen and into Anakin's bedroom. She was sitting, covered in beads of sweat that dripped down her face. He quickly sat down beside her as she shook, wrapping his arms around her. She was shivering as she had been sleeping outside in a winter blizzard for the past two days.

"You're alright, Denali. I'm here, no harm is going to come to you." he tried to reassure her.

"No, Obi, I'm not alright.....I've seen something....terrible." she told him.

"What did you see?" Obi-Wan asked her. She looked up at him, such fear in her eyes. He had never seen her so scared before. Even when they were little on Alderaan when Zendara had tried to kill her. She seemed more shocked than frightened back then.

"Someday, I'm going to become....pregnant." she said, then broke into tears. She held her head in her hands. Obi-Wan's heart stopped. He knew that his nightmare hadn't just been a figment of his imagination now. If Denali had had the same vision, then he knew that they both had seen the future.

He stood up, pacing back and forth nervously. He tried to think of reasons why their visions might not be real. Maybe they had just had the same dream, it was a common thing with Jedi. That had to be it. That small bit of information was Obi-Wan's last hope.

"That's not even the worse part." she added and looked up at me, her eyes red from her tears. I looked down at her, fearing what I was about to hear next.

"I'm going to be stabbed and killed before the baby is born. And you'll be there, watching it all happen. I'm going to fall into your arms, dying, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it." she said to him, then resumed her crying. Obi-Wan took a step back in shock, knowing that they had to do something to stop what they had seen.

"Do you know who the father is?" he asked her, his voice cracked. She shook her head.

"I have some ideas, but they're crazy." she told him.

"I have a feeling I know who you're thinking." he said to her. She looked up at him.

"Who am I thinking?" she asked.

"Do I really have to say it?"

"You could think it." she told him. He took a deep breath.

'The father is me. I had a vision, too. I could feel all of the emotions that were running through me at the time of your death.'

'And what exactly were you feeling?'

'Pain, sorrow, failure. But one of the big ones was betrayal.'

"Why would you feel betrayed?" she asked him. He sat down on Anakin's working table.

"Maybe.....maybe it I'm not the father after all. And that's why I felt betrayed. Or will feel betrayed." he said, not looking at Denali. She was silent as she pulled her legs up against her chest, resting her head on her knees.

"I think there's only one thing we can do to stop this." Obi-Wan said. Denali didn't move her head.

"I agree. After this mission, we go our seperate ways. If we're never together, then the vision can't be possible." Denali said, standing up. Obi-Wan sat there, trying to hide the shock. That hadn't been what he was thinking at all.

"But what if it was just a dream?" he asked quickly, getting to his feet as she walked out of the room. He followed her into the kitchen as she got her brown cloak from the closet. Obi-Wan reached for his, but she smacked his hand. He quickly pulled his hand away.

"You're staying here. I'm going back to the ship. I shouldn't have come with Master Jinn into town in the first place, so I'm going back." she said as she slid the door closed, pulling her cloak on. Obi-Wan could sense her hostility towards him. He didn't like it. Not one bit.

"But what if it had just been a dream? What if it wasn't a vision?" Obi-Wan asked as he followed her out of the house. The town was deserted, everyone was obviously at the race. Thankfully, that meant Denali didn't have to worry about them being over-heard. She turned towards him.

"Are you really willing to take that risk? Because I'm not. I don't want to hurt you." she said to him, her harsh words turning into ones of pain and sorrow. Obi-Wan knew that she was right. He didn't want to hurt her either, nomatter what they had felt towards eachother. He was silent as he looked at the ground.

She turned around, leaving him standing there without another word. He felt like this was the end. It was over. She was leaving him for the sake of his heart, even if it meant shattering her own. But her sacrifice seemed to only strengthen his emotions towards her. She loved him enough to let him go. He watched as she pulled her hood over her head, taking long strides down the sandy street, away from him. Away from where he knew she truly belonged.

With him.

Assassin (A Star Wars Fan-Fiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now