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Alec PoV

I can't wait for today I finally get to see Magnus again after two months, you see he went to see some family but one of his family members died so he chose to stay a bit longer not that I minded. Ok maybe I did I minded a bit because I've not been able to cuddle or kiss him and it's stressful. He's due here any minute now I'm just sat outside the institute on the stairs when I see a car pull in I decide to run to it and see if it's him. oh my yes it is him eek. "Magnus I'm so glad your back, I've missed you lots."
"I've missed you to Alexander."

I then suddenly felt someone's warm lips touch mine of course it was Magnus so I de upsides to kiss him back. I've missed this so much. Magnus the locked his car then carried me upstairs to our bedroom where he kicked the door open and threw me on the bed and locked the door. He the came over to me and started kissing me really hard so I kissed back and I snuck my younger in there we eventually had a war with out tongues he won. After about ten minutes of us just kidding we decided to take it a step further
Disclaimer:This bit is going to have context which are really smutty if you don't like that kinda thing stop here thanks for reading this part can't wait to start writing again. However if you enjoy this carry on reading :)

Alec PoV

I couldn't wait any longer so while he was sucking his heart away on my sweet spot I was beginning to take his shirt off, Sydney he stopped for air this was my chance I ripped his shirt of and flipped him over. I started using my tongue to work my way down his body I then reached his pants, I thought to myself are we really doing this. But as I was unfasten ing the buckle I felt my shirt go over my head revealing my chest. I then use my teeth to slowly pull his belt out out from each belt loop one by one, before I knew he stood up and took his own pants off and threw them across the room next were mine, we're now both in our underwear just kissing I'm pretty sure we're both covered in hickeys by now. I really want to go further so I decide to slip my underwear off while he's distracted, I used my feet to take his off too but I only got it too his ankles. He then kick his legs in the air and they flew off. Then I got flipped so I was on the bottom, I started to feel my body rubbing against him it was one of the best feelings ever I then started making a trail of kisses going down his gorgeous body I finally reached my favourite bit of them all. I placed my mouth on it and then wrapped my lips around it and started sucking really hard and moving up and down continuously. He started to moan really loudly which of course got me more into it but, eventually I felt some sort of liquid in my mouth I at first thought it was my saliva o I swallowed it but boy was he wrong. It was cum from his dick. I eventually we stopped that and I got onto all fours I don't know why ask Magnus. I suddenly felt something go inside me and move around.

"Magnus what are you doing?"

"Don't worry darling the fun is only just beginning.............."

Hey guys I'm back and guess what I tried I really did to write a smutty Malec scene and yes hahaha I left it on a cliff hanger I hope you enjoy. I wanted to say thanks to my twinnie ClaireCaracheo for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to. I also wanted to thank my smutty inspiration babes ggurupylightwood  and Whiteheart_97 . Thanks guys for being such good friends. Till then my little warriors❤️

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