Minutes passed and there was no sign of Lauren.

"You told her 8:30, right?" Zayn nervously tapped his fingertips against the table.

"Yep," Dean nodded.

"What would you two like to drink?" The waitress approached with a pin and pad.

"We'll both take a water," Dean said.

He looked back to Zayn who was still having a minor freak out.

"Actually, he'll take a red wine."

The wine came, Zayn drank, and he began to loosen up. Dean knew it would help. They were in the middle of a senseless conversation when the waitress brought Lauren to the table. She wore a deep red, tight fitting dress that clung to her curves beautifully. It was odd seeing her in red instead of black. She wore her hair in long waves down her back. Red lipstick covered her lips and dark eyeliner lined her eyes. The two of them stood.

"We're glad you came." Dean wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. She blushed.

"So am I," Lauren said as she walked around the table and gave Zayn a hug as well.

"Hello, stranger." Lauren smoothed her hand down his back as he hugged her.

"You look beautiful. I've missed you." Zayn kissed her cheek. He pulled her chair out for her and she sat in it. They each sat the round table, staring at one another in silence. The waitress came back with the wine Dean had ordered for Lauren as well as their food.

A plate of steaming noodles and what looked to be shrimp and a neat assortment of veggies on side sat in front of her.

"This looks good," Lauren praised.

The three of them nibbled on their food in silence. After a few bites, Lauren leaned back in her chair and took a long sip of her white wine. She knew exactly what she was doing with the amount of cleavage that the dress exposed. Tonight, she didn't know what to expect. Maybe they wanted her in something sexy. So, just to be safe, she bought the sexiest thing she could find.

"This is odd," Lauren broke the silence.

"What? The three of us at dinner?"

Lauren shook her head no.

"Not that. Did you two invite me here just to drink wine and listen to each other breathe?" She pushed the veil of hair out of her face and behind her shoulder. Dean and Zayn shared a look. Zayn prayed that a week was long enough to talk her into this. Lord knows how good Dean is at convincing.

"We wanted to talk," Zayn said.

"Then start talking." Lauren picked up the wine once again and sipped. Zayn had a fire in his eyes. She recognized that look. It was a look that she usually saw when his hand was wrapped around her neck as he fucked her. That look instantly made her wet.

"What is this to you?" Dean lean forward, placing both elbows on the table.

"What is what?"

"This," he rotated a finger between the three of them. "What would you call this."

Lauren crossed one leg over the other and studied them.

"I'd call this having fun. I'm enjoying this a lot," Lauren admitted.

"Would you consider taking it further?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

Lauren placed her wine down on the table after nearly choking on it.

"How much further could it go?"

"As far as you want to take it," Zayn chimed in.

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

The two men shared another look. She hated when they did that. It's like they spoke some sort of secret language with their eyes and she felt left in the dark.
After a few second went on without a word from either of them, she spoke again.

"A title? Is that what you two want?"

"Would that be asking for too much?" Zayn stirred his wine.

"Not at all, but I just don't see the point. We don't need boyfriend and girlfriend titles to be in a relationship. We can fuck and go out in public without cliché titles."

The two of them where stunned at how openly she was about all of this. Did this woman have any limits? They hoped not.

"Alright then, no titles. I think we can all agree on that." Dean looked at Zayn who slowly began to nod.

"And no other partners," Zayn added.

"Acceptable," Lauren nodded. It's not like she was fooling around with anyone else anyway. Two men were enough.

This was a much shorter conversation than Zayn and Dean expected. Lauren was open to what they wanted. All cards were on the table and she was the wild one.

Lauren scooted her chair back and slowly stood. She slung her bag over her shoulder and the two of them started at her in confusion.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked.

"Now that we have that settled, I'll be waiting at your house," she winked at the both of them. "don't take too long."

She strutted away from the table. They watched her until they saw her sleek figure exit out the front door.

Buy the time they paid the bill, she was already gone. The drive back was quiet yet exhilarating. They knew what waited for them at home. They pulled into the driveway and Lauren's car was already there. Slowly, she stood out of the car and followed them to the front door. Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor upon entering the house. Zayn took her by the hand and lead her deeper into the house while Dean trailed behind them. They stopped at Zayn's bedroom and the three of them walked in.

It had been so long since Zayn had touched her. Even though having the week with Dean was fun, she missed Zayn's touch.

She sat her bag down on the dresser before she sat on the edge of the bed, heels and all. Dean shut and locked the door behind them while Zayn stood in front of her and began undoing the buttons of his shirt.

"You look good in black," Lauren complimented as she laid back on the bed and watched as he slowly peeled the shirt away from his inked skin.

"You look good in red," Zayn replied.

Lauren's eyes moved to Dean who leaned against the bed post with an evil grin.

"I look even better out of it."

Zayn smiled.

He stared down at her while thinking of what to do. So many options. Many thoughts went through his mind as he ran his hands down her full hips. Suddenly, he stopped caressing her. His eyebrows shot up when an idea popped into his head. Zayn turned around and walked into his closet. Lauren watched carefully from her spot on the bed. Zayn retrieved the tie he abandoned earlier and came out with it wrapped around his knuckle. Her breath caught as she thought of different ways he'd use the article of clothing.

Zayn glanced at Dean with a scary look in his eyes.

"Ties aren't just for funerals," he said.

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