Chapter 21- Can't lose you.

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Louis pushed Harry against the now clean wall and kissed him on the mouth passionately, before resting his forehead against Harry's and staring him deeply in the eyes. "Stay here love." He said before backing up to a distance with the knife stuck firmly against his pale palm. 

Harry gulped as he saw Louis swing his hand up in the air for better aim. He threw his hand back and launched the knife forward making Harry flinch. 

One. Two. Three.

Harry looked back up to see the knife stuck in the air only three inches from his face. He examined the knife and reached out to touch it. He put his index finger on the sharp pointy part of the knife and tried to push it through his finger to make a bruise but the knife fell to the floor. Harry looked at his finger to see that a mark wasn't made from it. But then something hit him, why is it that when they wanted to feed Cherry how did Louis bite his finger and make a cut there? He was wearing the necklace then too. 

"Louis, why is it that you were able to bight my finger? Is this necklace not able to protect me from vampire teeth?" 

"No Harry," Louis said stepping into Harry's personal space making him back into the wall again. "It's because we've connected on a personal level." He said kissing Harry's neck lightly before smirking at him. 

"Personal level?" Harry questioned still confused. 

"Oh my god Hazzy," Louis said face palming "It's because we had sex and made a child so I can drink you're blood anytime I want. Necklace or not." 

"I see, so they want the necklace so they can dominate the earth?"

"Yes, exactly. Even the most powerful people are vampires. Even the people you least expect."

"Will we be okay Louis? Do we need to like, stay with Niall for a few?" Harry asked in fright of what might happen to their family... If Odious knew where they lived they could get them anytime they wanted. Louis stroked Harry's cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "We'll be fine mon amour, everything will be fine. I have a plan." 


Crash. Boom. Smash.

"Wha-" Harry sat up in bed rubbing his eyes carefully. 

Shatter. Crack. Screaming. 

Harry realized that there was someone in the house. Harry looked over and felt around for Louis but he couldn't find him. His second instinct was to go to Cherry's room and get her. "Louis?" Harry called out scared in the dark home. He crossed over to Cherry's room and saw a moving figure in there. "Lou is that you? This isn't funny." He said on the verge of tears. 

He reached over to turn on the dim light from the lamp of Cherry's beside table, revealing a strange man. He had a light brown fringe covering his eyes, he was a little bit taller than Harry dressed in an all-black robe.

He was holding Cherry in his arms and smiling at Harry showing off his sharp front teeth. The way he looked at Harry with hungry eyes made him shiver and want to vomit. This time he let the tears fall. He knew he shouldn't have showed his weakness to the intruder but he was scared and the man had his pride and joy crying in his hands. 

"Who are you?! Give me my baby!" Harry yelled running towards the man who just laughed and disappeared in front of his eyes.

"I'll give you the baby, if you give me the necklace." A voice said from behind Harry startling him at the vampire's speed. That's right, the necklace. He thought holding it in his hands. Harry turned to pick up Cherry's bed side lamp in his hands holding it like a bat when he said in a calm voice.

"I'm going to give you three seconds to give me my baby." He gripped the lamp firmly in his hands and swung it as fast as he could at the vampire before him. The vampire dodged every swing throwing the crying baby in the air with every move causing Harry to stop, scared he would drop her. 

The vampire just laughed loudly at that. "This could've been easy for you, my dear, dear Harry. My darling nephew is dead and now his lovely fiancé and child will be gone as well." Harry's heart shattered at that. No that couldn't be true. Louis isn't dead. "You're wrong! Louis is not dead!" This is all making sense now, Louis' uncle that wanted the throne. Louis' uncle that killed his brother. Louis' uncle that was (and still is) the leader of Odious.

The man laughed again with no humor and made his way over to the opened window in Cherry's room. He held her out of the window (they were up three stories, that's quite a fall). "Normally, I'd feel bad for murdering such a cute family, but then again, I'll be leader and everyone will have to bow before my throne. You should've listened, Harry." He said with and evil grin.

"Isn't she precious?" He asked and with that he dropped her, head first. "Too bad she had to die." It was all like a flash in Harry's eyes, like nothing mattered anymore. Like without her and Louis his whole world will be over. His whole world is over. Louis' gone. 

"NOOOOO!" He yelled running past the man and jumping out of the window, grabbing Cherry in his arms ready for the fall. He didn't care if he died now. If Louis was gone his everything was gone. What did he have to live for now? He held Cherry tight in his chest and clenched his eyes shut after looking at the snowy cement ground coming fast under him. Tears falling off of his face and going in different directions. His curls blowing heavily in the late night cool air. He lost his everything.

The End.

Hahaha, not really. 

Beautiful Blue (Larry Stylinson Vampire AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang