The Case

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I woke early ready for work. This time I won't be working alone or doing parking duty. Happily I walked in getting greeted by ClawHauser.

"So why you so happy Judy"

"I'm always happy and you know it"

"Happy that your about to get a case, or happy that you'll be with your beloved Jack Savage?"

"ClawHauser, what has gotten into your mind!"

" Oh I heard you yesterday. You were like , I ACCEPT!"

" I don't sound like that"

"Well go on don't be late"

I walked to the room were everyone was. I got told that I would have to share seats with Jack since right now there were no seats available. Jack gave me a smile and sat next to me.

"As you all must know Bellwether is arrested, but she has left animals still affected by the night howlers." Cheif Bogo said.

So there are animals still gone savage? This must of happened when the animals escaped their cells.

It's my fault the animals escaped.

No it isn't.

Yes it is, if my phone hadn't ringed and bumbed into the cells of the animals, they wouldn't of escaped.

"Judy are you coming."

I snapped out of my thoughts and followed Jack.

"Sorry Jack I was just in my thoughts, so would you mind to tell me our case please."

"You don't have to be sorry, it's good to think once in a while. Our case is to find three missing animals that went savage."

"Thanks Jack."

Okay first we had to get some files about the missing animals. Jack worked on finding the locations of were the animals might be. I felt guilty. What if the animals hurt someone ? What a police officer I turned out to be.

"Judy you seemed depressed."

"Oh no I'm fine."

"You know when you aren't happy you make my heart break."

I blushed, I quickly turned around so Jack wouldn't look at me.

"I...found out who are the...animals were searching for." I said still not facing him.

"Very well, and please you don't have to ignore me." He said with a kind smile.

" Okay well the animals are Estella Nil, Brian Fisher, and Nicholas wilde."

" I know were Estella might be so let's get to it."

The animals seemed easy to find except the third animal, a fox.
My parents had always said foxes are one of the predators I should never give my back to. Although it's not a choice right now because I have to find...this fox.

Hello everyone hope you like this chapter. Before you ask Jack is not Judy's love, that will change very soon 😉.

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