Chapter Two

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Forgive me now I don't really know how like adoption and stuff works and I also don't know high school Science. This chapter is also pretty gruesome and heavy, so you might need to skip it. K bye enjoy!

I close my eyes and inhale deeply. Parker wraps his arm around me and walks me into the building. He told his parents of my situation, and they are so kind. They offered to take me into their own home. My mom died when I was only 11. I have no siblings, no relatives or even family friends who would be legible to take me in. And Parkers mom is a retired foster parent, so I guess I got off somewhat lucky. I wince at Parkers touch, but relax because I know it's him. We walk into the building, and prepare for the worst.

The next week passes in a blur. The meetings with cops, the belt with my rare blood type, the gashes on my back, the neighbor witnesses. My 'father' is sentenced to 2 years. And all of it gives my custody to Mr. and Mrs. Sandler, Parkers parents. I thank God every night, I feel so blessed to have ended up with such wonderful people.

But my trouble doesn't end there.

I'm still scared, still vulnerable. I wince every time someone touches me, jump when someone speaks from behind me. I never leave the house without someone by my side, and become scared of loud noises. It's like I've been completely knocked down, and have to rebuild myself. I go to school, and refuse to talk all but to answer questions. My grades are still great, but that's because I spend so much time studying. The annual June testing is coming up, and that means school is almost out. I've been getting better, going on a walk outside everyday with Parker. I eat more, which is good. I've gained 3 pounds, but I'm still 13 pounds underweight. I try to see the glass half full. It's not like I'm depressed or anything, just shocked. I'm not going to let those kids ruin my life. Oh, and by the way, they got suspended. The one who pulled the knife actually got expelled. So I feel safer, but not completely.
I stifle a yawn as I watch my Science teacher blabber on about crap I already know. I pretend to take notes, but just jot down a few random words I hear at some point.
•Blah blah blah sun and warm water blah blah
•Something about ocean currents
•.......Convection currents......
I already studied this on my own. The teacher drones on for another 12 minuets, then the bell rings. I walk out the room, and after I leave the doorway, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I scream on instinct, and wiggle free. The 'accident' happened three weeks ago, but I'm still on edge. I look at the person, and who is it? James. That's when I book it. I swerve through the students, not letting myself make contact with any of them.
"Jenny!" James calls. He eventually catches up with me, and I'm cornered.
"Jenny, I know what I did was a pretty bitchy move. I want to make it up to you and buy you a soda. You can bring someone, if you'd like." He sounds sincere.
"Ok, but I'm bringing someone. And its to be during the day." I agree. I sigh, push my bag further up on my shoulder, and walk away.
Ok, Parker is attractive, I won't lie. Not that I have a thing for him or anything, he's just attractive. He agrees to meet James with me, and he puts on a nice polo and nice jeans. I wear a long skirt and long-sleeved shirt despite how hot it is. We walk into the designated cafe, and see James waiting at a nearby booth. The cafe is close to empty, but it looks alright.
"Hey! How's it going?" James asks, oddly friendly.
"Ok, thanks. And you?" I respond curtly. We continue the small talk, and James orders me a club soda. The waitress points to a machine, and James walks over with three cups. He fills them up, one by one, and I guess I didn't notice his hand lingering over both of our cups for a split second. I also didn't think anything of it when Parker asked to be excused from the table. As soon as the door to the boys restroom closes, James grabs my arm. Then I notice how woozy I feel. He pulls me out of the cafe and when I try to object, I can't. It must have been in the drink. I begin to panic. He pulls me into an alley way. I try to run, scream, kick, punch, but nothing works. He pushes me against a wall and before striking, whispers in my ear,
"The first time was boring. Let's have some real fun."
I lay in the pool of blood surrounding me as James slices my arm with the small blade once more. I hear Parker, but can't call out. James gives me one final kick and walks away.
What do I do? How can I get Parker? I'm panicking at this point, and then I realize I have my keys. I jangle them as loud as I can, and within 2 minuets Parker has found me. Parker picks me up bridal style, and carries me to the bank next door.
"Help! She's hurt! We need to get her to a hospital!" He shouts. I feel weak, and Parker holds me tighter as consciousness leaves my body.

White. It's the first thing I see. An IV is in my arm, and there's a pounding on the door. Nurses scurry around, looking for things to heal the pain. The bleeding hasn't completely stopped, but it has died down. I close my eyes, praying to escape the pain.

"Sir, you're going to wake her."
"I just want to see her!"
"Please quiet do-"
"Jenny! Oh my god, Jenny, are you alright?" Parker pushes past the nurse, but she shrugs slightly and allows it. Parker looks at me, and I know I'm pale as a sheet.
"I've been better." I whisper back, and I feel that the pain has died down.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. God, this is all my fault. I never should have-"
"No. I was dumb enough to meet up with him. It's ok." I reply quietly. He sits in the chair next to my bed, grasps my hand in his, and we both fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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