Where am I? #1

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My eyes fluttered open.
Where am I? I thought to myself.

I sat up, my back still sore and aching. I looked around, and saw nothing but a forest off in the distance to my left, and ocean in front of me. I had woken up in the sand, on the beach.

I tried to think, searching my mind for something, anything, but i found nothing. All I remember is my name and my age.

I think my name is Virgo and I'm 19.

I had gotten up by then, and was annoyed that I couldn't remember anything. Did I hit my head somewhere and fall down?
Am I that far away from civilization? I thought to myself.

I didn't like the thought of being alone. I felt scared, tired and cold. I didn't like these thoughts. I was alone in this area and I have no one to help me remember or guide me through this, that was until I saw something.

When I looked to my right I saw the most horrifying image. I saw eleven other bodies lying on the sand facing the ocean. They looked like the were knocked out. All in a straight line.

"Hello!" I yelled loud enough for one of them to hear me.

A boy with dirty blonde hair and light skin bolted up straight and was now standing. He looked as confused as I was a few minutes ago.

After a few minutes he ran towards me. He was now standing in front of me. I could now make out his features, he had a sharp jawline and his emerald eyes were now piercing into mine, his black hair was shining in the sun, he had a good build and was wearing a white t-shirt that showed his muscles. Damn he was hot.

" where am I? Who are you?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

I didn't actually know where we were. Were we on a deserted island? Probably not. I don't even know how I got here, or how I don't remember anything.

"My name is Virgo and I don't know how we got here, or why there are 10 other people lying in the sand to the right." I said sounding confident.

" I think my name is Taurus, and I'm 20, but that's all I remember. I woke up and saw you, so I was deciding whether to go to you or run away from you." He said sounding confused.

" Gee thanks." I rolled my eyes.

He looked at me, suddenly realizing what he just said. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." He said worriedly.

"It's okay, I mean I would probably say the same thing, I mean it's not everyday you wake up on a beach to a stranger yelling at you." I said casually.

He looked around cautiously. "Should we go wake the other people up?"

"Sure why not, we don't have anything else to really do."

We woke up all the people that were lying down on the beach. Some of them were understanding and some of them started complaining about how their hair and clothes were ruined, even though they probably don't remember doing their hair, or putting their clothes on.

We were all now sitting around in a circle on the beach facing one another. I remember all of their names. The girls names were Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, and Leo. The boys names were Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus.

We talked for while coming up with a plan. Capricorn and I were the ones who decided everything. We would divide ourselves into four pairs and into a group of four.

I was paired with Taurus, and we were going to try to find any sign of civilization. Gemini and Sagittarius were paired up and were going to look for water, because we couldn't drink water from the ocean. Scorpio and Cancer were the third pair that we decided on, and were going to look for food. The fourth pair, Aquarius and Libra were going to explore the forest that I had seen earlier. And Leo, Aries, Pisces and Capricorn were going to stay here and looks for materials to build a few shelters for all of us.

After we had decided, we all went off into our own directions with our partners.
This was my first chapter of my first book. I hope you enjoyed it!!!!<<<3333

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