Chapter 27 - Therapy Session

Start from the beginning

"Kevin stop!" My mom screamed, and we heard a big thud, as if someone fell down.

"Yo! What the fuck" Joey yelled, and ran out of the room.

"Stay right here, and don't move" I said to Mitzie, before getting off the bed, and walking out the room, closing the door behind myself.

"Don't fucking touch my mom!" Joey yelled, and pushed dad back.

"Mom.. what happened?" I bent down, and got to her side, almost tearing up at the sight of her bruising.

"Nothing.." She said, and out of nowhere I got pulled back from my t-shirt, making my head slam against the hard floor.

"Don't touch her missy, she deserves what she got" Dad said.

"Fuck you!!" I screamed.

Everything happened so quickly. I was like his punching bag, I hit the wall repeatedly, and I could feel the room spinning. I heard a bunch of screams, blood dripped down the side of my face, and I heard glass shatter. Then out of nowhere everything stopped, and faded into a darkness. 

End Of Flashback)

My eyes were still shut, and I was breathing fast, my fists were clenched, panic attack like. I couldn't control myself, I felt like I was gonna go crazy.

"I have to get outta here" I said quickly, and started walking out.

"Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, Maegan, come here" Sean said, but I just kept walking.


Once got home, and I knocked on the door like crazy. Marshall was supposed to pick me up, so I had left my keys inside. My eyes were all red from crying, so I must've looked like a mess.

"Are you okay..?" Marshall asked once he opened the door, and I stared intensively at him.

I grabbed him by his neck, and pulled him closer to me, putting his lips on mine aggressively. After not having his lips on mine for about three weeks, this is definitely what I needed right now.

"What happened? You were crying" Marshall asked after we broke the kiss.

"Long story.. can we go to the studio?" I asked.

"I was just on my way there, let's go" Marshall said, and closed the door behind him.

The studio was quiet, I sat in one corner of the room with a notebook in my hands, the same with Marshall, and Denaun, along with Royce sat in chairs with their feet kicked up, with their eyes glued to their phone screens.

"Um.. Denaun can you play that beat you made for me yesterday so I can get in the booth?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

"Yeah, no problem" Denaun said, and put his phone down, playing with some settings. I walked out of the room, and into the booth with my notebook quietly.

(Marshall's POV)

"Yo.. is Maegan aight?" Royce asked once Maegan walked into the booth.

"I have no idea man. She went to her session today, came back in tears" I sighed, placing my notebook on the table beside me.

"You should talk to her about it dawg, maybe something happened" Denaun said, and Maegan started rapping in the booth so my attention went to her.

"As a child I would dream about it
Sometimes it wake me from my sleep and I would think about it
Making music was all that could keep me off these streets
I don't know where I'd actually be without it, but think about it" Maegan rapped, I leaned back on the couch, and listened to her words closely.

"Not to mention if you get in to the club with all these other rappers then you gotta have the nicest stuff
So fuck it, man, I'm drinking 'til I'm blacking out
They know me around the city for acting out" As she continued to rap, I thought about what could've happened at that session to make her cry the way she did.

I may be pissed at Maegan for the DWI but, I still love her, and care about her, I can't control that. Just seeing her eyes so red, her eyelashes all wet, and her makeup smudged makes me just want to help her, but she always shuts me out.

"Locked myself inside this booth, started making hella tracks
Cry myself to sleep at night, swear I been to hell and back
Loaded up that gun I bought, withdrew everything I had
Put it all in envelopes, had it sitting in my hand
Wrote my mama letter, and apologized for suicide
I been on a mission that they talk about but few will try
Had my finger on the trigger, would have left it all behind
And lyrics popped into my head, maybe music saved my life" Maegan rapped.

My head along with Royce, and Denaun went up. Maegan can never be open with anyone, trust issues like me. I never knew she tried to commit suicide before.. hopefully this can bring us closer again.

till the next chapter <3





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