Sadie gasps and smiles, taking the unicorn and observing it before looking back up at Chris, "Thanks, Chris!"

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Sadie gasps and smiles, taking the unicorn and observing it before looking back up at Chris, "Thanks, Chris!"

Melanie walks out and laughs, "Another stuffed animal?"

"She's sick; she deserves all the stuffed animals she wants." Chris says. He and Melanie then go into the kitchen to talk privately.

"How's she doing?" Chris asks.

"Not so good. I've tried getting some food in her, but not much is working. I guess we'll just kind of have to wait it out."

Chris nods, then he and Melanie just sort of awkwardly stare at each other.After their almost-kiss last night and the position they woke up in this morning, the two of them were pretty confused about a lot of things. Chris couldn't believe himself. He'd almost kissed Melanie. Melanie couldn't believe it either. Should she say something about it? She didn't know what she could say she didn't say anything at all. And neither did Chris.


Sadie lay on Chris' lap and she gives a small groan of discomfort. Chris runs his hands through her hair.

"You doing okay?"

Sadie shakes her head, "No..."

Melanie frowns and kneels in front of Sadie, "Oh, baby...What can we do to help make you feel better?"

Sadie shrugs.

"Want us to put on some music?" Melanie asks.

Sadie pauses, thinking, then nods. Melanie stands, then connects her phone to speakers that she had in the living room and softly lets music play. After a couple of songs, Sadie was asleep.

"Aww, poor thing. I'm worried about her." Melanie says.

"I'll take her up to bed." Chris offers. He scoops Sadie up and takes her up to bed.

When Chris comes back downstairs, he finds Melanie sitting on the couch, suddenly looking very upset.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Chris asks, going up to her and kneeling in front of her.

Melanie points to the speakers. "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley had was playing, which was the song that Melanie and John had danced to at their wedding. Chris sighs, understanding immediately.


"I don't miss him, but...I do sometimes miss the memories. Not even that, really, I...I just miss being married. I miss having someone."

Chris nods, then brings Melanie to him and hugs her for a long time. When they come apart, Chris thinks a minute, then gets an idea.

"You know what?" He asks, standing. He goes over to the speakers, picks up the phone and starts the song over. He then walks up to Melanie and extends his hand to her.

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