Chapter 4

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Sadie stood in line to be picked up at the back of the school. She wore a white T-shirt with a pink flower on it, jeans and her light-up sneakers. On her head was a white headband with a big, white flower on it. Her red curls hung down over her shoulders and blew flew the breeze. Sadie then gets a smile on her face and goes to one of the aides.

"That's my dad's car." Sadie says, pointing to one of the vehicles.

The aide nods and lets Sadie walk to John's car. Sadie opens the back passenger door and climbs inside before shutting it.

"Hi, Daddy." She says, sitting on her booster seat and buckling herself in.

"Hey, pumpkin." John says before driving off, "How was school?"

"Good! I got an 'A' on my spelling test."

"That's great, sweetie. What have you been up to this week?"

Sadie shrugs, "Just hanging out with Mom and Chris mostly."

"Ah. And how's that been going?"

"Good. Chris is leaving for tour soon though."

"You don't sound very happy about that."

"I just really miss Chris when he's gone. I miss you living with me and Mom too."

John gives a sad smile, "I miss you too, love. At least we still do get to see each other sometimes."


John sighs, "Has all of this been hard on you?"

"Kind of."

"I'm sorry. I want you to know that I still love you very much even though I don't live with you anymore."

Sadie smiles, "I know. I love you too, Daddy."

There's a pause.

"Are we going to your house?" Sadie asks.

"Yup. What do you want for dinner?"

"Uhhh I dunno. Not pizza though. We had pizza at Chris' house last night. I'm all pizzaed out."

John chuckles, "Alright, no pizza then." He says.

There's another pause.

"Did you and your mom stay the night at Chris' house again last night?" John asks.


John just sighs.

"You and Chris aren't friends anymore, are you?"

"No, not really."

"Why not?"

"That just happens sometimes, hun. Sometimes people just grow apart and decide not to be friends anymore."

"Oh. Well, that'll never happen to me and Chris. Nope nope nope. He and I will be buddies forever."

John smiles, "I'm sure you will be. Just don't ever let him try to teach you anything."

"What do you mean?"

"He just...believes in some things that aren't right."

"Mom says the same thing about you."

John raises his eyebrows, "Oh, does she now?"

"Yeah. She says that you don't think boys should be allowed to marry boys and that girls shouldn't be allowed to marry girls and that that's mean."

John just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I would much rather marry a girl than a boy. Boys have cooties."

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