Chapter 18

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Chris was at Ricky and Ryan's house with the guys, having a day to chill out and play video games while they were off tour. Ricky and Balz were currently screaming at each other as they played against each other, but it was nothing Chris wasn't used to and he was quite enjoying himself listening to some of the insults that the two of them were coming up with for each other.

As it was sort of becoming a part of the routine now, Chris was the furthest thing from surprised when he got a call from Melanie that afternoon.

"Ooh, someone's got a booty call." Ryan jokes.

Chris snorts, "Will you stop?" He asks before answering the phone, "Hey, Mel. Do you need me to get Sadie?...Oh...Oh, shit, are you okay?...Yeah...I think so...Okay, where are you?...Yeah...Yeah, definitely...Okay, I'm actually at Ryan and Ricky's so I'm right down the road from there...Yeah...Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes." Chris says before hanging up, "Do you guys have jumper cables?"

"Yeah, in the garage, why?"

"Melanie's car won't start and she asked me to come jump her, she's just down the road. If we can't get her car to start, we'll have to call a tow truck and I'll have to take her to get Sadie from school."

"You should bring them over, Sadie owes me a rematch at Mario Kart." Vinny says.

Chris laughs, "Will do. I'll be back eventually." He says before getting his things and walking out.

Ricky looks to Vinny, "Do you mean to tell me that the seven year old beat you at Mario Kart?"

"Shut up!"


Chris finds Melanie with her car pulled over to the side of the road. She stood in front of her car with the hood up, observing the inside.

Chris gets out of the car and walks up to her, "You know, just staring at your engine isn't gonna do a thing."

"Shut up, Cerulli."

"Oh, if that's how you're gonna be then I'll just take these jumper cables back to Rick and Ryan and - "

"Chris, so help me God just hook my car up to the damn cables."

"Jesus, someone's on her period."


"What? It's true. You're wearing your comfy jeans and if I'm not mistaken, that is a Snickers wrapper in your purse."

"You're an ass."

"Yes, but I'm an ass with jumper cables, so let's see if we can't get your car started again."

Chris hooks the cables up to Melanie's car and his and Melanie gets into the driver's side of her car in attempt to start her car again. When it doesn't start, Melanie begins to repeatedly hit her head against the steering wheel. Chris slowly and with caution approaches Melanie.


"Call me a fucking tow truck."

"You okay?"

"How much is this gonna cost me?"

"I don't know, will your insurance cover it?"


"Well, if it doesn't, I'll - "

"No. No. No. No. No."

"Mel, I can - "

"No. No. No. No. No. You already help me with my house and my dog and my kid, you are not gonna start paying for my shit. Call me a tow truck and let's go get my kid."

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