♡ Hunter's Reply Entry #29 ♡

Start from the beginning

"No. I miss you so freaking much. It's driving me crazy, Hazy-Bear. All I've done in the past couples days is lay in bed or run, thinking of you the whole time. All I wanted was to see you, hold you, kiss you..." He touches his lips to mine briefly, "But I knew you needed time."

I take a deep, dizzying breath and use all the willpower I have to push against Hunter's chest lightly, pulling back. Whoa, that was intense.

"I still need time." My voice comes out soft and pained, "You lied to me for six months, Hunter."

"I know." He resigns.

"You may not see it as a big deal, but I do, because you knew everything. You knew all my secrets before even becoming my friend. You had no idea who I was while I've been pining after you for two freaking years! Then suddenly, you find out and read all my deepest, darkest, pitiful secrets and what? You feel sorry for me? That's the only reason for why you kissed me in the hospital and befriended me." I hear the crack in my words as a tear slips from my eyes, but I ignore it as I stare into Hunter's guilty eyes that hold disbelief.

"Hazel, you're so wrong, I never pitied you. Yes, I felt - I feel - a great deal of sympathy and empathy for you because of what you've gone through. But I didn't kiss you in the hospital because of those feelings. I had other feelings, other thoughts, behind my actions." Hunter appears as though he's about to say something before he shakes his head and continues, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you and I was waiting for the right moment to tell you. I promise that I wasn't going to keep it from you much longer, Veronica just happened to be a mean brat and told you first. I care very deeply for you, Hazel, you have no idea."

His words clench at my heart, but they're squeezing too tight, making my heart hurt more. I don't know what to think, I don't know what to say.

"Six months," I whisper brokenly.

"You need more time," Hunter states, repeating my words from earlier, hurt etched all over his face.

Reaching out, I place my small hand on his jawline, stroking his cheek gently as he leans into my hand, "Yes, I'm sorry. I don't know how long I need to think and I- I don't where my thoughts will lead us. But I care very deeply for you too, you know."

I pull my hand back and watch as he nods sadly, standing. Walking towards the door, he begins to leave. Then suddenly, he stops but doesn't look back, "Please read the rest of my replies before you come to a... decision about us."

I nod even though he can't see me as he leaves my room, and my house.

Before I can even think too much about it, I find myself calling Uncle Willow. I've missed him so much and it's my own fault that we haven't been talking lately.

"Hello, Will Bradley speaking." My Uncle says, sounding uncertain. I don't respond immediately, thinking he's deleted my number until he speaks again, "Look, just because you've put your number on private, doesn't mean I can't track you down, little kid, and tell your mummy on you."

"Gosh, calm down, Willow Pillow. Anyway, Mum's out of town right now so good luck with that."


I swear I can hear birds chirping as I wait for my Uncle to reply.

"Hazel?" He asks, clearly shocked.

"The one and only."

"Sorry, I just... I didn't expect to hear from you anytime soon." He finally says, and the bitterness I can definitely hear.

"Look, I'm sorry for pushing you away, I was just in a really bad place - though, I know that's not an excuse. I really am sorry but I miss my Uncle," I hear my voice tremble and attempt to keep the tears at bay, "I need your advice right now, Uncle Will. Please."

"On my way."

I'm grateful that he doasn't ask any questions and as soon as he hangs up, the tears just start pouring down my cheeks, fighting each other. Great, now even my tears are fighting each other.

I need to calm down. Thinking hard for a moment, I throw caution to the wind and grab the white notebook from inside my bedside table. Then I begin reading Hunter's reply to distract myself.

At least, I keep telling myself that's why.

Reply Entry #29

Dear Hazel,

I'm proud of you. For so many reasons, but right this second? I'm proud of you for not letting Trent get to you. You did the right thing by not telling him about Hunter.

Something's not right, it's scary.

You wrote this this week. I've been looking everywhere for you and haven't been able to locate you. Please, please, please, I need you to be safe. I hope you are but this bad feeling I have won't leave.


Prince Charming x

* * *

Sorry if the second half of this doesn't make sense - I'm so damn tired because I had like less than an hour's sleep last night and all.

I wanted to update though. Even if I am struggling to keep my eyes open.

QOTC: would you rather hot pink or pastel pink?

MA: Pastel pink.

- Chloe xx

I LOVE YOU ALL, thank you xoxo

Dear Hazel (Diary Series #2) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now