Chaptor four.

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***ciara P.O.V***

We arrived at the station, then had to wait for 5 minuets till we could both do our statements. Unfortunately we had to do them separately so I was away for look for a couple of hours. I started to walk into a small clostrafobic room and sat down facing two hench men. I gave my statement in of what I could remember of that horrific night. I have to go back next week to find out more information of what is going to happen.

When we had finished, I met Liam back at the parking lot. He had a big cheesy grin on his face. He told me we was going to go to McDonald's for dinner so maybe we could get to know each other a little bit better. For some reason I wanted to get to know him a little more about him, he seemed a cute and caring lad. He didn't have to come over and help me, but he choice to.

So we went to McDonald's and had a long but funny chat with eachother. he decided he wanted to take me back to his place to meet the others. But he warned me that they can sometimes be horrible and judgemental so I just need to ignore them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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