Chapter Four: His Side

Start from the beginning

After thousands of examinations, endless questions, and a half a juice box that Dipper had asked for, he was clear to go. He hadn't suffered a lot of damage in the crash, a bruised rib, a few cuts on his face, and a mild concussion where nothing he couldn't handle!

Though Wendy was different story. Her head had been swung hard into the passenger window when the truck hit, causing her brain to swell. It was down right horrifying! To hear that his love, his lumberjill, his best friend, had almost died. Then to top it all off, to hear, that she was purposely being kept in a come like state, for God knows how long, to allow the swelling to go down and give her time to wake up! Ha! Talk about cruel fate.

Dipper sat by her side, watching her slow, and steady breathing. It filled him with hope and relief. Though the guilt gnawing at his stomach was overbearing and he began to blame himself. If only he hadn't taken his eyes off the road. Sure Wendy had distracted him, but, he had closed his eyes during their kiss when he could have kept them open and watched the road at the same time! Maybe then she wouldn't be lying here like this, broken, hooked up to various kinds of machines, and being kept unconscious so she doesn't die.

"I'm so sorry Wendy." He thought.

He was disgusted and angry with himself. How could he have ever allowed this to happen to her?  This self loathing was worse than when he let Bill take over his body.

It was during theses thoughts when a doctor approached, a man, by the name of Matthew.

"Mr. Pines, may I have a word with you please?" He asked

Dipper reluctantly rose from his seat, leaned over giving Wendy a kiss on her forehead, and whispered into her ear. "Please, don't leave me."


In the somewhat deserted hallway, save the occasional passing nurse, and kid flying by on a wheel chair screaming at the top of his lungs. Doctor Matthew stood waiting for the chaos to die down a bit. When he was finally sure that there would be no prying ears he spoke.

"So just to begin I've got some really good new, some expected bad news, and news that I am dreading telling you."

Dipper's heart beat faster against his chest and even though he knew he should listen to the most horrible news first he said, "Can we start with the expected bad news first? You know, so, I can get party of the anxiety attack over with?"

Doctor Matthew's eyes seemed to shine with a bit of laughter before returning to his serious expression that Dipper didn't really like. He looked like a mouse trying to be a runway model.

"Well the bad news is, your girlfriend isn't going to be waking up anytime soon, the damage was more extensive than we originally thought."

"Okay, if hearing that my girlfriend is going to be in a coma for awhile, I'm obviously doing a happy jig for the worst news." He exclaimed sarcastically before sighing, "can I get the good news now?"

Matthew offered him a small apologetic smile.

"The good news is that the swelling is starting to go down and rapidly at that. She may just be out of the danger zone and into the clear soon."

Dipper breathed in relief and had almost forgotten about the other horrifying news. Almost.

"So, let's get this over with, what's the last part I should know about?"

Dipper actually watched Matthew squirm, the DOCTOR, and knew immediately that whatever this was. He wasn't going to like it one bit. Matthew walked over to a couple of chairs, motioned for him to sit, and joined him after Dipper complied. Then he looked Dipper straight in the eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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