Chapter Four: His Side

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It was only a little over a month and a half ago. When the most horrifying experience in his life had taken place.

Sure he had faced countless amounts of deadly creatures, demons, and even the sight of seeing his Grunkle Stan, naked, after stepping out of the bathroom from taking a shower. A sight that could not be unseen, he was sure, even if the memory gun was used on him a thousand times!

Yet even that paled in comparison to the crash, of waking up upside down in confusion, and then the image of, Wendy, the love of his life. Bleeding profusely from her head, even more pale than usual, and unresponsive to his calls of distress. It had made his stomach churn.

After seeing her, dangling by her seat belt, and her beautiful face becoming a ghost of what it used to be, forced him awake. Panic filled his chest and he scrambled for the buckle of his seat belt, trying desperately, to remove himself from it's hold. It was no use. Something must have happened to the lock mechanism in the crash.

Dipper reached into the pocket of his jeans feeling around for the one thing that he needed and after a few seconds he found what he was looking for, his pocket knife! Spending countless hours in the face of danger had taught him to always keep one hand, in case of sticky situations, like this one! Though he also learned to carry matches, a flask of holy water, unicorn hair, bubblegum, and a vile of emergency glitter. Surprisingly the vile of emergency glitter had been proving to be one of the more useful items. 'Remember to thank Mabel later,' he thought to himself.

"Hold on Wendy, I'm coming!"

He reached over and cut the belt near the buckle to quickly remove the hold it had on him. Though, of course, being the dork he is he didn't think about what would happen when he cut the entire thing off. He quickly found himself more acquainted with the roof than he wanted to be. Landing on his shoulders and hitting his head pretty good caused him to see stars and curse himself under his own breath.

"Nice thinking doofus, how are you going to help Wendy, if you get yourself knocked out?" He scolded himself.

Kicking his door open, crawling out onto the soft grass, he quickly made his way to Wendy's door. It had been well damaged and he had to use a lot of his strength to pry it open enough for him to reach her. When he cut Wendy's seatbelt he was ready. He caught her before she could fall.

He carried her far rom the wreckage of her old beat up, forest green, Toyota Corolla and over to the slanted part of the ditch where it turns to road. He sat down with her and immediately noticed how cold she had become. It filled him with worry and he quickly took of his flannel shirt, wrapping it around her.

The man who had been driving the truck was standing next to his vehicle, cellphone in hand, and frantically trying to explain the situation. He was clearly drunk because it took him quite a while to get a sentence across from the amount of slur he was putting to his words. Dipper was hardly paying attention by the end of the conversation. He was more concerned about his favorite redhead.

She was growing colder by the second. It was the most frightening thing that had ever happened to him. Watching her body become pale, cold, and then hearing her heart beat becoming slower when he pressed his ear to her breast. He removed the flannel from around her and tied it around her head. He needed something to hold in the rest of her blood, he would keep her warm with his body heat.

They had stayed that way until the ambulance arrived and took them to the hospital.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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