The other guys saw what happened and chuckled to themselves before seeing if I was okay.  Mikki offered me a hand up, giving me an apology hug and a cold soda.  I thanked her and everything became normal again...well almost normal.

I noticed Mina was checking her phone every few minutes.  Her expression was a mixture between worry and disappointment...she's always been easy to read.  I shook my head, if it's Jaehyo she's worried about, he's gonna have a fist coming his way.


Where is he anyway?


After awhile, we all grew tired.  We all said our goodbyes, M&Ms both smiling, happy that they made new friends.  Apparently we were going to have a sleep over.

They missed me and I, them.  But Kyungsoo did have a little fit.

Last time they spent the night, him and Mina became enemies.  They don't hate each other, but I don't think they like each other either.

I sighed as I jammed my key in the lock.  They argued on way home, leaving Mikki and I to resort to sticking ear phones in the whole way.

"Great way to spend my New Years,"  Kyungsoo muttered, sticking his tongue out at Mina.  She rolled her eyes.  In a way, it made me kind of happy to see Mina this way.  Sassy and a little bitchy...  Just the way I like it.

I glanced at the Pororo Clock on the wall.  Two hours to kill before the New Year hits.  What?  Don't judge.  Pororo is still my hero no matter what you think.

"YOU FREAKIN' OWL!  TAKE IT BACK!"  Mina shouted.  Those two are fightiing again?

I shook my head.

Mikki let out a huff, throwing her IPod towards the couch, heading towards the war.  I watched, amused, as she grabbed them by the ears and dragged them to Kyungsoo's room, throwing them in there and slamming the door shut.

"We came here to have fun and YOU'RE BOTH RUINING THIS HOLIDAY FOR ME."  Mikki shouted.  "You two need to make up and settle all your differences before the New Year comes or else!"

"Or else what?"  The two's muffled voices shouted through the door.

The aura around Mikki's body turned dark, giving me chill bumps as I took a step back.  She muttered something I couldn't hear then, returned to her spot on the couch.  Some part of me wanted to know what she said, while another part told me to never cross over on that side.

She looked scary, flipping through my movie selection.

And not a single sound could be heard from Kyungsoo's room.

I gulped.


Mina's POV

My back pressed against the cold, white door as I slumped to the ground, Kyungsoo beside me.  If there was anything we had in common, it'll be our fear of a certain blonde, Irish munchkin with dangerous words.

"Sooo,"  I tried to initiate the conversation.  "Why do you hate me so much?"

"You blew up my kitchen."  He deadpanned, eyes never leaving the ground.  His eyebrows were scrunched, remembering the incident.  I scoffed.

"Is that it?  Really?"

His eyes flicked to mine for a split second, his eyes narrowing.  Then it clicked.

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