"Happy New Year Min's sister!"  I giggled as Min started face palming with his key board.  He's like me, easily embarrassed, but I'm glad he's made friends.

"Happy New Year to all of you," I laughed as I replied back to the voices.  Soon, one-by-one they appeared on the screen.

"Whoa...she's pretty."  I heard someone mutter, making me blush slightly. "Is she really related to Minnie?"

The first person I saw had the face of a model with deep hazel eyes and sandy brownish-black hair, there was another person who looked just like him too so... Twins?  I'm guessing.  The next gave more of a 'bad boy' feel.  He had shaggy black hair and piercing blue eyes.  The last boy had dark brown hair and a mousy face.  All of them were extremely handsome.

"Guys--Guys stop drooling!  That's my sister."  Min deadpanned, ushering for them to sit behind him to they could still be seen by the monitor.  He shook his head and muttered,  "Crazy foreigners."

One of the twins chuckled.  "Dude, it's an international school.  Technically all of us are foreigners except Jojo."

They then went back and forth arguing, eventually ending with Min staring blankly at the monitor.  "These guys make me miss Korea.."

I feigned hurt.  "So you didn't miss me?  I shouldn't visit then--"

"NO!"  The bad boy shouted, pushing Min out of his chair.  "You can visit anytime you want."  He sent a wink to the monitor causing Min to fake gag.

I giggled.  "I'll keep that in mind.  I'm Mina by the way."

"Jojo," He smiled.

"I'm Leo."  One of the twins said cutely as he smiled.  He had shorter hair than the other one, so I'll use that to tell them apart.

"I'm Sebastian, but you can call me tonight."  He winked, causing the others to shove him off the bed.  I laughed.

"Xandre."  The mousy boy waved coolly.  Min clapped his hands loudly.

"Okay, okay, done with the introductions, now quick flirting with my sister!"  He whined.  "It's gross!"

"But she's hot..." Sebastian tried to justify, "And she hasn't met Gabe yet!"

"Gabe?"  I ask incredulously.  There's more of them?!

"Yeah, he's our brother~"  Leo smiled.  In a way, Leo reminded me of a cute kitty, like Yukwon.  (Don't tell him I said that).  "We're Triplets."

Oop, not twins.  Not twins.

"Bwo?  Triplets,"  I voiced my thoughts.  "Woah."

"The more the merrier,"  Sebastian winked.  He reminds me of Jaehyo... keke.  I wonder how he's doing right now...

"We're twins."  Min stated, never taking his eyes off his phone.  He's had gotten bored out of his mind by now.

They stayed silent, staring between me and Min.

I smirked at the monitor.  "Since you think I'm so cute, put a wig on Min.  It'll be like the real thing."  I winked, waving goodbye as I shut my Laptop.

The sound of clapping hands made me jump were I sat.  Mikki was leaning against the door frame, smiling.

"Min sent me a text saying he needed someone to save him, but I guess I got here too late."  She laughed, I smiled.  Mikki held up bags of Chinese take out and awkwardly smiled.  Behind her I could see more bags in the main room.

"Woah, why so many bags?"

She shrugged.  "I...went a bit over board..."

My eyes widened.  "A bit!?"

She bit her lip, then smiled, "Wanna visit Jonginnie?"


After loading all the bags into the car, we drove off, making a few detours to get drinks before arriving at our destination.  Throughout the whole way here, Mikki has been giving me some advice and telling me to stop being so nervous when it comes to Jaehyo.  Apparently, according to Mikki, "what I'm feeling is normal and that I'm just over thinking things because my 'first love' didn't really count".  I sighed, knowing how right she was at that moment.

When we got there, we didn't exactly know how to carry all the stuff  inside, so as I waited in the car, Mikki scouted and found a buggie-cart.

We went in through the back entrance (okay, we snuck in..) and went to Studio B.  Loud, ear piercing music could be heard from the outside and when we turned the nob, we quickly wish we hadn't.

Or at least had it on video.

Kai and his group mates were dancing and singing to APink's Nonono.

Instead of interrupting, we snuck in, sitting in the corner as we watched our childhood best friend dance his heart away to his beloved APink.  A few of the mates saw us and I recognized them as the ones Mik and I were cheering to last time we were here.  They blushed a deep scarlet color, but continued dancing.

To think, we actually thought he was working.

Mikki and I exchanged glances, practically reading each others mind.

When the song came to an end, we cheered loudly.  Not just for Kai, but for everyone dancing.  Jongin froze when he heard us.  He didn't even need to look to know where we were and that it was us.

Mikki whooped and teased.  "Why can't you dance that sexy at home?!"

If it were possible, I think Kai just created a new shade of red.


Stay tuned for more chapters and new stories for 2014!  Happy New Year~

Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя