Modern Celebrities Struggling With Depression...

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... With different results. 

1. The Man on this chapter's header is Kurt Cobain. He was the lead singer of a band called Nirvana. He also was on the list of '100 Most Talented Guitar Players' made by 'Rolling Stone' magazine. But unfortunately he suffered from depression & started to abuse heroine ( some depressed people may abuse alcohol or drugs because they hope it will make them feel better at least for a while - & they often get addicted ). Unfortunately he is the one of the 'saddest examples' or Artists With Depression... - So if you heard that he commited suicide in 1994 - now you know why. ( Depression won This Time! 💀 ) 

2. Robin Williams 

( Yes! As you can see, comedians can suffer from Depression too! ) 

An American comedian & actor ( he was one of my favourites! - so I still remember how I was crying when I read info about his death in 2014! - I first heard about it from the Internet! - then I saw the news on tv & Couldn't believe it! O_O ... - I didn't know that he suffered from depression till the day he commited suicide! :(  - because no media were telling about his struggle before! ... Unfortunately he is another 'Depression victim that lost the battle with 'The Black Dog' 💀 - that's why I'm posting his black & white pic... - But he will always stay in our hearts thanks to the movies he played in! :) ) 

 - But he will always stay in our hearts thanks to the movies he played in! :) ) 

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3. Britney Spears - she had a serious breakdown & some people thought that 'her career would be over' - but after the right treatment she won the battle with depression, could take care of her children & became the 'Princess of Pop' again! 😊

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