'Black Dog - Another Depression Name'

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This intro is to expain my cover choice & to tell you someting some of you may not know. Another name for Depression is 'Black Dog'. This depression name was used by Winston Churchill who suffered from depression for most of his life. ( Surprised? - So I can tell you that many more famous people in history: poets, writers & artists & many modern celebirities too suffered or suffer from depression, I will enumerate some in the next chapter. Then you may understand their 'strange behaviour you heard about in media' better ).

The name 'Black Dog' is now more commonly used & why is it called 'Black Dog?'...

'Black' - because that colour is associated with sadness in most countries of the world. And why 'Dog'? - not something else? Why not some other animal? ... - Because when someone suffers from depression - it always accompanies him just like a faithful dog always wants to be close to his owner & follows him Everywhere... so I think it's the best comparison.

... ( But I will soon tell you how to tame this Black Dog you, your family member or someone you know has & how to put a leash & a muzzle on it - not to let it bite anymore & to let your life come back to normal & your happiness back again!  ^_^ ).

( Yes, it Is Possible! :) )...

Conquering Your DepressionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ