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Dear diary,

After midnight all of those bitches started to fall asleep. We were on the living room, so I decided to go upstairs explore that bitch's room. As I go in, I noticed several photos of her with a golden fish (what a douche). I also noticed that the golden fish is in an aquarium right beside her pink ass bed. And then I had this bright idea: for how long haven't I had sushi??

At this point I was thanking Devil for taking me to that sushi restaurant with my parents where the chefs were making the food right in front of us.

So, first of all, I took the little preciousness out of the water with my bare hands, and when it started to wiggle around, I felt that my life was worth it.

Then I took my butcher knife out of my bag and while it was still moving a little, I started to take it's scales out. Then I took a little bit of rice out of the box that my mom gave me with food, and I covered it all up. Then I took the seaweed out of the aquarium and folded it all around. Then with my knife, I cutted it in little peaces and disposed it in a little block of wood she had in her room. Then I decorated it with some rocks of the aquarium. I don't think i've ever done something this beautiful.

Then I got downstairs and waked Amber up.
— Amber, look what I made for you! — she started waking up, and as she was opening her eyes, she started screaming and crying really loud.

— Don't you like it sweetie? — I got closer to her ear — Well take this as a warning. If you ever missbehave anymore I'll make the exact same thing to your dog — she started crying even more — Oh, and you ain't gonna be saying anything to your parents, cause the effect will be the same, okay? — she the swalowed her crying and said yes with her head. Then I did something crazy: I ate a little bit of the sushi "you're an animal" she said. Then I thanked her, haha.

The Dairy Of A Killer ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora