Chapter 1

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"What if the world ends?" Samuel said as he gazed upon his sister, (y/n). "Well then I guess we'll just have to build it up again eh?" The girl had a weird glint in her eyes. The kind of glint you would see in a child, so full of hope. In this moment, they had just finished an old project that could save the world.

For you see this world is in ruin because the caretakers of the world abandoned it. They did try to improve it however... the mission failed.

The caretakers were responsible for all of humanity and everything else. They rose to power when they determined that the world was growing at a slow rate. They used means of natural selection to ensure only the best, and smartest survive. After that they bumped up the education system for whomever was left. Everyone had to have a career in something deemed useful to society.

It wasn't long before the caretakers left because these beings were too ignorant to change. The world slowly crumbled. For the caretakers were correct, with the exception of a select few. This is where (y/n) and Samuel come along. They were part of a select few to rule what was left of the home they knew so well. The twins have been working on a machine that to be honest neither one of them knows if it works at all. "Are you sure this thing works (y/n)?" Samuel was fiddling with the machine. "Almost positive! You see here the light is green!" (y/n) pointed to the top of the machine. "Sounds about right" Samuel said as she rolled her eyes.

"Is there even a brain back there? " Samuel put his right hand over his heart and shut his  eyes as he pivoted right, on his feet. "UGH! How rude!"

(y/n) laughed at this remark and turned her attention towards the machine,and put er hand on top of it. "Besides, it's our only chance. No matter what- or if it does anything at all don't you think it's worth a shot?" Samuel nodded in agreement.
"You don't even sound like you know if it works. I mean it's a fairly old project." (y/n) sighed.

"i can only hope so Sam. This world is ruined." He looked at her. "But do we really want to risk completely destroying it?! Or worse...die. We have the chance to save it sure, but it has risks. There is a chance it could save us, and only us though."Y/n turned her attention fully on Samuel. "We were shown at a young age that if there is something we can save we must save it no matter how small."He only shook his head to this still completely unsure.

(y/n) stared at Samuel, and put her hands on his shoulders and sighed. "Sam... listen, we need to make these kinds of decisions whether it be for the good of the world or for us."

At this point, Samuel gave in, and his thoughts kept getting the best of him, but she was right. "I will go get plenty of medical supplies as well as pack our bags." Samuel shook off (y/n)'s hands, and walked off to go pack for he wanted to be prepared because they could only guess that it would take them somewhere better or have something that will help the world. "thanks Sam." (y/n) said  before realizing that he was no longer there.

Sam brought the bags he had packed back where (y/n) and the machine was and readied himself for the mission to come." (y/n), why are we putting all of this hope in something that we don't even know works or not."

"Because Samuel, like I said before it's our only option. Even if we dislike it." Samuel stuck out his tongue. "you're very childish aren't you?"

Samuel simply ignored this and stood by the machine. "We never did give this damn thing a name. Could we give it one now?" (y/n) nodded simply nodded at this." How about something like ANON? You know like Anonymous?" Sam simply stared and sighed. "You and your ideas... Sure it sounds cool nonetheless."

"uhm... hey (y/n), What's the little blinking light mean?" Samuel stared at the now blinking light on the side of ANON. "uh it depends on which light Sam."

"It's the side one. It is rather small." (Y/N) quickly looked over ANON and saw the light then went to look at her blueprints. "It means... Wait, blinking?" (Y/N) looked over ANON approximately ten times before deciding to tell Sam rapidly. "Alright well either we've got like five seconds before we need to pray we end up in a good world or the entire machine we know as ANON will ex- "

The floor around ANON deteriorated into black as it neared the two. First, the bag fell into it then the twins snapped and decided that it would be an excellent idea to run. It wasn't long before the darkness was at their feet. So, as the floor crumbled beneath the two they held hands as they fell into the darkness.

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