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"SIS, can we go to the cherry blossom trees with the Asahinas?" Julia asks me as she tugs on my sweatshirt sleeve.

"I'm not entirely sure. Xena got sick overnight and I have to take care of her." I answer then Julia whines.

"Please, Sis! Please!" Julia begs as she pulls on my sweatshirt again then I glare at her.

"That's enough, Julia." I tell Julia as she tugs on my sleeve harder.

"PLEASE, SIS!!!" Julia whines then I rip my arm from her grasp and she falls back onto her butt, sitting.

"Julia, I said I don't know and that's enough. Xena is sick and you've been very bad lately. So, give me a reason why we should be allowed to go to a picnic with the Asahinas." I answer then Julia crosses her arms.

"Because I've been doing really good in school and I gave Xena her medicine earlier! So, that's why!" Julia exclaims with an attitude. 

"Watch the attitude, Julia." I warn then she huffs.

"Shut up!" She shouts then my eyes widen.

I walk up to her and smack her cheek lightly, but still aggressively. She pushes me back, putting her hand over her cheek, her eyes tearing up.

"I HATE YOU, NEVAEH!!!" Julia yells then she stands up, running. 

I scoff and walk into the living room, seeing her crying to Masaomi about the mark on her cheek. I then get downstairs and grab a Sprite from the fridge, opening it and leaning against the counter.

"Awe, why's Julia-Chan crying?" Tsubaki asks Julia then she looks at Tsubaki, crying.

"S-SIS CHAN HIT ME!!!" Julia cries and Tsubaki's eyes widen.

"Vaeh-Chan would never hit you---" Tsubaki starts to say.

"I hit her." I interrupt then everyone's eyes widen.

"Why would you hit her?" Azusa asks and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I didn't hit her that hard, but hard enough to shock her. She was giving me an attitude because she wants to go to the picnic with you guys." I answer then Tsubaki walks over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them and starting to massage them.

"Come on, Vaeh-Chan. Go to the picnic with us~. It'll be fun~." Tsubaki starts to say as he slyly moves his right hand down my back to my hips, past them to my ass, and slightly squeezes it, making me tense up. "I promise~." He whispers then I push myself away.

"Julia and I will go. Just please, don't touch me." I whisper then Tsubaki smirks as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Okay~." He agrees.

Then he has suddenly pulled away then I see Julia's hand on Tsubaki's jacket, clenching it in her hand with her assassin's hands out.

"Don't touch my sister like that." Julia threatens then I snap my fingers, seeing she doesn't move as her eyes turn black.

"Τζούλια, φτάνει. (Julia, that's enough)" I command then Julia blinks then she looks at Tsubaki then at me.

"Why's Tsu-Chan in my hand?" Julia asks then I grab her hand.

"Julia, go up to your room and get changed. We're going on the cherry blossom picnic." I tell Julia then she nods, running up to her room.

"What was that?!" Tsubaki asks then I sigh.

"Julia was cursed with a second soul in her body from a Zoldyck family member we exiled. Julia has had to deal with this second soul for a while and it's hard to keep her under control, unfortunately. Anytime you see Julia's eyes go black, come get me, do not hesitate." I explain then Tsubaki stands up.

An Assassins Dream Or Hell: Brothers ConflictWhere stories live. Discover now