Two to tango

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He's sitting at the table eating breakfast, when Nonno walks in.

"Lovino! Good to see you up and about."

He grunts, and carries on chasing Cheerios around the bowl, making an obnoxious dinging noise with his spoon.

"Where's your brother?" Nonno winces under the force of his glare. "Sebastian. Where's Sebastian?"

He shrugs. "Probably out."

"Do you - do you have any plans for today?"

When did Nonno become so nervous talking to him? Oh, that's right. He kicks Feliciano from under the table for giggling, and considers the question.

"Well, I was planning on going to the cinema with my beautiful girlfriend Jackie, and after that we were going out for dinner." Too sarcastic? Maybe, but Nonno doesn't seem to notice.

"You never mentioned a girlfriend, Lovi! Is she nice? Can I meet her?"

He sighs, and pulls his headphones out of his pocket. "Jackie, meet nonno. Nonno, meet Jackie."

Nonno doesn't seem too impressed. "You know, when most people say girlfriend, they usually mean a female of their own species."

He shrugs. "It's short for headphone jack. Which, unlike you, I still have."

Feliciano giggles again, and he smirks, pleased to have made his little brother laugh.

He spends the rest of the meal in silence, then pushes his chair in, purposefully scraping it against the tiles.

Nonno winces. "Must you be so loud?"

He ignores him, and slouches up the stairs to his room.

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