"I know you miss them the most. And guess what? I'll talk to your dad and you can go visit them," she told him.

"Awesome!!," Varun was happy.

"So how did your exams go?," she asked.

"I think I've pretty much nailed them. Now just one to go and I will be freeeeeeeeee!," Varun was excited.

Reema was sitting on the couch while Varun sat on the floor in front of her. The phone which was on the table went off. Varun checked and said, "It's Gauri calling.."

"Oh Gauri! She is your Aunt baby.. My hands are oily. Just put it on the speaker," she said.

"Hello?," Gauri spoke.

"Hey Gauri.. Tell me. Isn't it like three am or something there?," Reema said checking the time.

"Umm yaa.. Actually the thing is," Gauri was speaking softly. Only she knows from where did she bring so much of courage.

"You.. You seem low. Is everything alright?," Reema asked.

"Reema just trust me on this that I am here to take care of everything okay? Vivan.. He.."

Varun panicked, "Bro? What what happened?"

"He has been in an accident," she finally said.

"Noo!," Reema cried.

"Vivan.. NO.. Where is he? How.. How.. Where? Is my son okay?," she stared crying.

Gauri tried to handle the situation, "We are at the hospital now and he is in the operation theatre. He will be fine. He will. Please calm down"

Varun immediately started dialling numbers on his phone and told someone, "I need two tickets for India in the earliest flight available! If there isn't one in a couple of hours, get me a jet. Now!

"How did it happen?," he asked.

"It was a bike accident. He was rushed to the hospital immediately," Gauri was not revealing how serious the accident was.

Reema had collapsed on the couch. Varun sat next to her and held her.

Varun got a call. "Its Dad"

Reema received the call.

"Where are you?," she asked her husband.

He too had received the news. He was trying to reassure her wife that everything would be fine. Though a stern man, he loved his sons and Vivan's accident came as a shock to him too. He cancelled all his appointments in the USA and was heading back home.

"What!," Reema reacted to something her husband said, " Okay fine." She hung up.

"Gauri did the doctors say anything yet?," she asked.

"No. They haven't come out yet," she answered.

Varun got a call from the office and he was pissed at what they told him.

"Mom why the hell is your passport sealed!?," he shouted, not at his mom but at the situation.

"Dad told me. There is some case going on and since your Dad, Vansh and I are on the the owners board of that company, our passports are sealed. Dad had somehow managed to get the US visa, so he could go. He is returning home right how but we can't leave the country. Your father said he will get it cleared in a couple of days.. It's more difficult for Vansh to leave Australia."

"Alright then I'm going!," Varun declared and got up to pack.

Gauri was still on the line and was aware of his exams, "Varun wait. Don't you have an exam to finish?"

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