「陸;missions and lollipops」

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"You must be Seo Minghao right?" The president, or the 'queen', pried. He looked at me from head to toe before smirking, "Or should I Say Xu Minghao; son of King Xu Yifan. and prince of Jiaheng."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

"How did you find out?" I yelped and I swear I was going to start sweating.

"You just told me." Inside my head I was yelling and screaming. He paused for a minute but then smiled, "Just kidding! I already knew from daddy." God dammit that shitty school director.

His chair was huge, it was basically considered as a couch and he was just lying on it horizontally while sipping his tea. Seungcheol was no where to be seen and I found it quite surprising. "So Minghao, I'm guessing your friends were surprised that I gave you a warning." I nodded, "That's because I'm the queen here, sweetie. I own this place and people must do as I say or they'll suffer."

I took a sip from the chrysanthemum tea he had given me, this man is crazy. "O-okay..."

The president moved and sat normally on his seat and move his head towards me. "Now Minghao, I have a special mission for you." A mission? Are you kidding me? "There's rumours going around that Mingyu likes me, as attractive as he is I'm already occupied with my little boy toy Cheol. Mingyu can get really clingy and most of his flirts are terrible and disgusting."

Well that's true.

"So I want you to do something," he touched my cheek and started caressing it, the way he looked at me felt like I was under a menacing spell and I felt trapped "I need you to make Mingyu fall for you."

I looked at him with my eyes widened, "What?"

"He's just my annoying childhood friend who tries to hard for my attention." Jeonghan explained and he pulled his arm away from my face "Literally the only reason he got casted as a model was because of the fact that he tried dressing up for me when we were going out to the city."

"Cheol is enough to keep my satisfied. I don't need Mingyu, way too clingy. So this is why I want you, usually he's satisfied with the friends he made but suddenly he befriended you so obviously he took an interest in him."

"Also it'll be very entertaining for me to have him confuse on which guy he liked and your attemption a to seduce him." Jeonghan smirked and poured a new cup of tea.

"What do I get from all this?"

"Well obviously you're hiding your identity to have a normal educated life. So if you don't succeed I will tell the whole school on you and it'll affect you and your entire kingdom, don't think I don't have that little footage of you spilling soup on him." He simply replied while he checked his nails to see if it was chipped or not. "And if you do, considered your school life safe. For now."

I was spooked out after leaving the room, and the fact that Seungcheol was right outside guarding the door made it even worse. When I walked passed him he lowered his head as a sign of bowing and I just smile awkwardly.

I went in Chinese when it was in the middle of the class. Since it had something to do with the student president the teacher just let me off and I sat down next to Mingyu who seemed extremely bored. When he saw me his face brightened up and gave me a smile. I look to my left and Hansol threw two books on my desks; one was my English book and the other was his Chinese book, I guess I had work to do then.

In the middle of me diligently working and both mine and Hansol's workbook Mingyu sparked up a a conversation. "So I heard Hannie called you to the student council room." He said as he drew random patterns on his workbook.

I glared at him before looking back to my work and continuing what I was doing. "What's it to you?"

"Well I just wanted to know why." He replied and before I knew it, the bell rang and thank God for that.

"Why are you so good at this, I can barely draw a straight line." Hansol said when he looked at my sketches. It was my first lesson in art and it was with a bunch of people I didn't really know (besides Mingyu and Hansol). Luckily there was an empty spot next to where Hansol sat and Mingyu's friends invited him to sit with them. So I guess I could confirm that art was an amazing subject.

"You're not even straight yourself." One of Mingyu's friends, Namjoon remarked and all of his friends besides Mingyu laughed which made Hansol grumbled explicit things in English.

The tall male smacked the back of Namjoon's head, "Bitch, you're not even straight. Your whore little ass is dating Seokjin." Mingyu remarked as the older muttered something before blushing and looking down when he mentioned his lover's name and told the younger to shut up.

Everyone in the class giggled and snickered which made the teacher tell them to shut up. As amazing as not getting to sit next to Mingyu it was kind of boring since we were doing theory lessons instead of practical and Hansol was actually doing his work since he had already learnt about all this.

But I was confused and had no idea what to write. We had to write information about the artist we're currently studying, Piet Mondrian. The first ten minutes of the lesson was of half of the art teachers and Hansol arguing on how to pronounce his name properly, obviously Hansol won. So as a reward he was given two lollipops which he gave to me and he happily sucked his. (A/n: LMAO)

Bored, I finally took of the wrapping of the strawberry flavoured candy and popped it in my mouth. I haven't had any sweets since I visited this family friend of my mum's and boy do I sure miss it.

When I looked up I see Mingyu staring at me, well mostly at the lollipop in my mouth. When he caught my attention he pointed at the candy and then pointed at his mouth, right after he put his hands together to show he was pleading. I shook my head and gave him a sly smile.

He pouted his lips and pleaded once more, mouthing the word 'please'. I snickered at his action, it would work if he was closer to me but he was across the room and I couldn't hear anything from him so I didn't budge one bit.

Namjoon looked to his left where his friend was and then looked at me before looking back to his work and shaking his head with a sigh.

Hansol leaned towards my ear "Oi, what's with you and Mingyu?" He whispered and I turned my head to look at him and shrugged.

"I don't know, he asked to be his friend yesterday so I just said yes." I replied in a quiet tone and he widened his eyes.

"Kim Mingyu doesn't just randomly befriend people. Especially new kids like you." Hansol whispered-shouted. "Namjoon's an exception since they knew each other since primary school, Jisoo is a kind gentleman from another rich family and Soonyoung was with him since kindergarten. All three are very popular."

I took the lollipop from my mouth and made a pop noise. "Well around eight o'clock he asked me to be his friend since I guess I interested him? I don't know." I said as I stated at the candy. "But yeah, I don't know why he wants to be friends with me."

I popped the strawberry flavoured candy back in my mouth and looked at my worksheet. It was highlighted with different colours indicating all the things I need to write, I looked at Hansol to see him smirking as he jotted down all the things he needed to answer.

I rolled my eyes and went back to doing whatever I was doing until the end of the lesson, which was just staring around the room and thinking about whatever popped up in my head.

s.coups with unbleached skin is the fucking best wkdkslsksls but there's not that much photos and I'm anggy >;(

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