「壹;chicken soup」

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"Holy fuck."

Was the first word that came from my mouth when I woke up to realise I was in fact, late for school.

I wasn't technically late for class but I planned on going exploring through the school so I couldn't be completely lost and I also wanted to go and eat breakfast.

I was happy that everyone got a dorm all to themselves but I hated the fact that now no one can wake me up when I needed to.

I should've probably stopped thinking like a brat and how much I missed my maids but I couldn't help it, I was used to having things done for me instead of me just doing them all by myself. I tried putting on my tie but I never really paid any attention when getting dressed so I ended up shoving the neck tie in my pocket.

when mother told me I was moving to Korea two years ago I was really hyped and excited. I thought it was a month long vacation and wanted to try my best in Korean, the language was so frustrating to learn but I would never give up trying.

But then she said it was just me going. Mother told me I had to live a normal life to know what it feels like to be someone in a normal world instead of mine. And to find out it was just me alone I was devastated. I would've thought I would die just in the airplane going here.

I looked at the time and I had twenty minutes before class starts. I was a slow eater so I guessed I had to explore another time.

After what I thought was getting ready I went out with the school map on my hand. After a couple of minutes I finally reached the cafeteria. This was my first time going to an actual school and I had only seen cafeteria's in foreign movies such as chick flicks.

Some people call it a mess hall and I don't really know why, the whole place was so clean I could see my reflection everywhere. It was clean, simple and huge but it was also empty. Maybe people enjoyed eating breakfast alone? I see a bunch of students in a line so I joined them to see they were waiting for their foods to be served.

The lunch ladies told me that since it was morning the menu is more limited but that didn't really bother me. When I scanned the menu that was plastered on the wall my eyes instantly sparkled to see chicken soup was available.

Any sort of chicken soup was such a blessing to me, I cherished their existence so much and I felt so grateful knowing I was alive to experience them.

When I payed for my food I looked around for an empty table which was mostly everywhere. I saw a table in a corner which looked pretty hidden compared to others and decided to walk towards there.

The smell of the soup was so distracting I couldn't help but look at my bowl of deliciousness the whole time. It looked and smelt good and I was sure I was drooling.

But before I could look up to proceed walking to my seat I collided onto a person. The soup was everywhere on his shirt and I instantly felt like crawling in a hole. Everyone was staring at us which made it way more embarrassing then it already was.

As hot as I thought he looked, I just spilt the love of my life all over him.

I feel like chicken soup now smh

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