Getting To Know You

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Chapter 7
(1 week later)
Rachels pov:
I was sitting with Finn doing charts as he was reading "Catcher And The Rye" for the 2nd time this week. I put my charts down and said,

"Why do you like that book so much?" I asked him.

He looked at me and said,

"It's my fathers, the only thing I have left of him." He told me.

"Oh." I said.

"What?" He asked me.

"Nothing,  I'm sorry about your dad." I said.

"It's all good, I didn't know him that well , I was only a baby. But what about you?  I know about your mom but what about your dad?" He asked me.

"I never knew my dad , he was pretty invisible when it came to my life. His name was Greg , he was an alcoholic not much. My mother was the bread winner , she ugh left him when I was five and I never saw him again." I said.

"Wow." He said suprised.

"Eh my life is full of heart ache and death." I said.

"Man , Goody two shoes, you're dark." He said and we laughed.

"What about you? Any skeletons in your closet?" I asked him.

"I was married for bit." He told me.

"Really? Did she leave because of how insufferable you are?" I joked but suddenly he got serious.

"She died from cancer." He told me.

"Oh, geez, I'm sorry. " I said.

"Ugh I'm tired can you go?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said feeling uneasy and I left.

Hey guys so my newest book My Other Half the sequel to Who Are You Now is now available so please check it out.


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