
Chris and Melanie approach the school and Sadie gets in the back seat, looking upset.

"Hey, kiddo." Chris says.


"How was school?" Melanie asks.


"Everything doesn't sound fine. Are you okay?" Chris asks.

"Not really."

"What happened?"

"My teacher took away my beanie."

"What? Why?" Melanie asks.

"She says I'm not allowed to be a boy at school."

"What?! Of course you are!" Melanie exclaims.

"She doesn't like it. She says it's wrong."

Melanie's jaw locks and her face hardens. Chris knew this look as Melanie's "pissed off face".

"Chris, stop the car."

"Are you really gonna - "

"Yes. Stop the car."

Chris parks and Melanie unbuckles herself.

"What are you doing?" Sadie asks.

"I'm gonna go get your hat back. Give me ten minutes." Melanie says before getting out of the car and walking off.

Chris turns to the back seat and looks at Sadie, "You wanna go watch the show?"


Sadie leads Chris toward her classroom. They catch up with Melanie in the hallway. Melanie looks over her shoulder at them and smiles.

"I'm actually glad you're here; I could use some muscle."

"Mel, you are not going to threaten a second grade teacher."

"No, no, but you look scary and that'll help. C'mon."

They walk to Sadie's classroom and Melanie walks in.

"Mrs. Perry?"

An older woman sat at the teacher's desk in the classroom. She looks up at Melanie through her glasses.


"Hi, I'm Melanie Dawson, I'm Sadie Armanski's mom."

"Oh, hello. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, Sadie has informed me that you took her hat away from her today, and we'd like it back."

"Ms. Dawson, Sadie must not have told you how things work around here. Students are not allowed to have cellphones, toys, hats, etc. and if they get those items taken away from them, they cannot have them back until the end of the week."

"Sadie's worn her hat here before and it was fine." Melanie points out.

"I've only worn it on days when I knew there would be a substitute teacher because I know Mrs. Perry doesn't like hats," Sadie says, "I just forgot about it today."

Sadie and Chris walk in.

Mrs. Perry gasps at the sight of Chris, "Oh my goodness."

Chris rolls his eyes and looks to Melanie, "Am I allowed to talk?"

"Are you gonna be nice?"

"Yes." Chris deadpans.

"Then go ahead."

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