"Emma Foster." Emma looked at Jay and he nodded at her as if to say 'good luck'. She stepped onto the Golden Knot in the center of the room and stared. Not one of the statues reacted, but two. The statues both roared and flapped it's wings. Emma had to choose between Wampus and Thunderbird. Wampus is the house of warriors and Thunderbirds represented adventurers. Emma turned around to see all the first years awaiting her choice intensely. She caught Jay mouthing the word 'Wampus' before she turned her attention back to the statues. Thinking about it one last time, she shouted "WAMPUS!" The Wampus crowd cheered as she sat herself among them. She had made that decision because she thought about how her parents had always called her a warrior. They said that when she was a baby, she never cried. When she scraped her knee or broke her arm, she never cried. They called her their little 'Warrior'.

When it was finally over, she was joking with Jay at the Wampus table. He of course got Wampus, for his brother and sister were both in it and it had been his dream to be apart of that house since he was little. The Headmaster; Agilbert Fontain spoke his quick start of term speech and then the feast began. Emma filled her plate with a variety of food; mashed potatoes, chicken, salad, and corn on the cob. She then poured herself some pumpkin juice while Jay introduced her to his siblings.

"Hi, I'm Kayla!" Jay's sister said excitedly."It's so good you're in Wampus," She paused that covered her mouth leaning towards Emma's ear. "Our house is the best, by the way." She added before going back to sit with her friends. Emma laughed silently as Jay brought his older brother Zach and one of his friends. "This is Zach and his best friend Jordan. They're inseparable and the class clowns; troublemakers. You get the idea." Jay said.

Zach looks me up and down. "Ah, Jay you finally have a girl that will actually talk to you!" Jay's face reddened slightly and hit his brother's arm. "That's not true!" He defended himself.

"Well at least Jay can talk to girls, unlike you who doesn't have a girlfriend." Jordan smirked at his best friends reaction.

"What the hell Jordan?!? I though you were supposed to support me, man!" Zach nudges him slightly and sits back down in his original spot. You could still hear them arguing through the loud chattering in the hall.

"They've been best friends their whole lives." Jay says, "We're neighbors so him and Jordan would always be over at our house or Jordan's house up to doing no good. One time, they made me believe that in order to go outside our home, you needed a wand or else I would have gotten attacked by a dementor." Jay scowls remembering the time. "They were jerks."

Emma chuckled. "I'm an only child, so I guess that's a good thing?"

"Eh, they're good in some ways. Just don't get on their bad side." Jay admitted staring at his brother who was still arguing with Jordan.


Emma and Jay walked side to side to their Common Room. They were lead to a painting of a cougar-like figure. The heads of houses told them the password was 'Jagged Tooth' and the painting swinged open letting them in. The common room was located in the second highest tower in the castle. As they entered, Emma took in it's beauty. There was a staircase that each level was the dormitories for each year. The first years had the first floor and so on. Next to that, a large window was placed with crimson cushioned seating. Beside the seats was a bulletin board that was currently empty. A golden carpet was placed against the hardwood floor in front of the fireplace, which Emma so eagerly wanted to warm up by.

Although, due to her exhaustion she bid Jay a goodnight and headed to the first year girl's dormitory. As she opened the door, there was a small c-shaped hallway that had many doors. Emma assumed the other half of the tower were the boy's dormitories and continued to find her room. There were three girl's assigned per room. Emma looked at the signs besides the door's until she found one with her name on it.

Room Seven:

Ava Beckett

Emma Foster

Blaire Phillips

When Emma entered, she noticed all her things were there. She let Gwen out of her cage to roam around a bit and put her back in. Since Emma was still the only one the the Dorm, she sat on her bed and laid back. Pulling the silk covers over her, she let sleep overcome her.



And Silent....

A/N: SHE GOT SORTED!!! So, the song I have on here is 'Warriors' By Imagine Dragons (I love that band so much...and Coldplay...and Fall out boy...and Twenty One Pilots...)
Anyway, I thought the song fit the chapter and I love it so much so I hope you guys enjoyed it!



-What is your favorite spell in Harry Potter?

-Unpopular opinion throughout the book?(Like, for me it would be my favorite character is Draco Malfoy, and I wish Hermione ended up with Harry:)))

-Favorite Harry Potter Book on Wattpad?(I'm looking for reccomendations♡♡♡ I'm quite fond of the Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle ones because I think they're misunderstood.)


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